Chapter 11

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She was having his baby. And she needed to stop staring at him. It would also be great if she didn't feel so nauseous all the time so she could actually do her job, keep her food down so she had at least some energy without needing to nap constantly.

The past two weeks since she'd found out, since she'd told him she was pregnant, he had hovered. Kind of. Not noticeably so to anyone else, it seemed, but she felt like he was hovering. Checking up on her, offering her food, water, asking if she was okay. Bringing her in on his cases, which may have been the fellowship side of things, but she did feel like he was keeping an eye on her.

She found it... strange. Not in a bad way, but in a way she hadn't experienced before, or maybe in a long time. She wasn't sure. She was pretty sure it was just because of the baby, though. It had to just be because of the baby.

Currently, she sat at the desk in her office, her head leant forward in her hands as she tried to breathe through her current bout of nausea. It normally only lasted for a few minutes, except at nine in the morning and ten in the evening, when her body decided her stomach needed completely evacuating.

"Hey, Mer, I've got a case coming in that I want you on," she heard Derek's voice as he walked straight into the office, and she lifted her head to meet his eyes, seeing the concern etched on his face, "Are you okay?"

"I just need a minute, I'm fine," she waved him off, running her hand over her face as she stood up, her hand dropping against her abdomen, "What's the case?"

"Are you sure? You look pale," he said, moving towards her, his train of thought clearly completely changed from when he'd first walked in the room.

"It's just nausea, I'm okay, it'll pass in a minute," she assured him, leaning against the desk a moment.

"Is there anything I can do?" he asked, approaching her and gently touching her upper arm.

"Oh," she tensed slightly with a frown, shaking her head, "I don't think so."

"Have you managed to keep anything down yet?" he asked, keeping his hand in place, and she had started to find it quite comforting.

"Not really, no," she sighed, leaning against him, "I suddenly really want some fruit, though, strawberries and raspberries."

"Let's go get some then," he offered, his arm moving around her shoulders.

"Tell me about the case," she murmured, her eyes closing as she shook her head slightly at his offer.

"I'm still debating whether you're fit to work right now," he said, and she felt his lips touch the top of her head, and she found she didn't instantly shy away, finding comfort in his touch.

"I can work," she grumbled, turning into him as his other arm moved around her, "If I take off every time I'm nauseous, I'm never going to get any work done, and I'll already be taking time out for maternity which will probably delay my fellowship anyway."

"Don't worry about your fellowship, we can figure that out," he sighed softly, gently squeezing her against him, "I just don't want you to push it."

"I'm not, I won't," she glanced up at him with a small smile just before she pulled back from his embrace, "Now, Dr Shepherd, the case?"

"Dr Shepherd?" he rose an eyebrow at her.

"You're my boss," she rolled her eyes at him, smirking slightly, feeling a little better as the nausea started to pass.

"Ah, I see," he chuckled, shaking his head slightly, "Can't we have another moment before formalities?"

"Another moment for what?" she asked, furrowing her brow slightly in confusion.

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