Chapter 10

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The weekend had passed in a blur of surgeries and sleep, and she was dying for a cup of coffee that she knew she couldn't have. Her nausea hadn't eased up any, but surely that wasn't a bad sign.

She had an appointment up in OB in an hour, to check her over, confirm the pregnancy, make sure everything looked good so far. Then maybe would be a good time to tell him. For all she knew she was exhibiting all the signs of pregnancy and wasn't actually pregnant, so there was no point in telling him until she was absolutely sure.

She sat at the desk in her office, opening up her emails to see that the lawyers had sent her a message to confirm Jordan had been served the divorce papers. She should feel relieved. She knew she should feel relieved, but her stomach was turning yet again, and she just felt more anxious if anything. A knock on the door pulled her attention away and she put the phone down, looking up as the door opened.

"Dr Shepherd?" she said, her mouth feeling dry, and she covered it as she coughed slightly.

"Dr Grey, I thought I saw you coming in. I have a case that I want you to work with me on."

"Okay, what is it?"

"Tumour resection," he said as he handed her the case file.

"Yeah, I can... I have an appointment at nine, though. I can come find you after?"

"Yeah, yeah, that's fine," he frowned slightly, "is everything okay?"

"Yeah, just a check up," she nodded just as she felt the vomit rise in the back of her throat and she covered her mouth with her hand.

"Are you sure? You look..." he continued to frown, stepping toward her slightly.

She turned to grab the waste bin beside her desk, thankful her hair was already tied up as she let herself vomit into it. Her eyes squeezed shut as she coughed a few times, tensing slightly as she realised Derek had moved to rub his hand gently over her back.

"You good?" he murmured, going to take the bin from her.

"Yeah," she whispered, grabbing a tissue off her desk as he took the bin, wiping over her mouth.

"Now, are you sure you're okay? I'm not going to force you to work if you're unwell," he said, crouching in front of her, his hand on her knee.

"I'm not... it's just nerves," she shook her head slightly, her hand resting at her abdomen.

"What are you nervous for?" he asked, reaching to push a loose strand of hair behind her ear.

"You don't... it's fine, I'm fine," she attempted to smile but it fell quickly.

"You're not fine, Meredith."

"My husband got served with divorce papers today," she shrugged slightly, staring at the floor.

"Oh," he breathed.

"Yeah, so, it's nothing. I'm fine," she took a breath before pulling back from him and standing up, "I should clean that bin out before the whole office smells."

"Seems cosy in here," Mark's voice sounded as he walked in, and Meredith rolled her eyes at him.

"What do you want Mark?"

"I need to talk to you," he shrugged.

"Right, yeah, okay," she nodded, swallowing slightly.

"What are you still doing in Seattle?" Derek asked, facing Mark now, his hand hovering by Meredith's lower back.

"Today is my first day as head of plastics, haven't you checked your emails this morning?"

"Webber actually gave you a job?" Derek asked in disbelief.

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