Chapter 12

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He'd started messaging her again. Well, she hadn't turned the phone again since she'd turned it off, and he had started emailing her after not getting a response. He wanted her to go to Boston. He said he would only consider signing them if she went to Boston to see him, but she knew she couldn't do that.

She sat on the floor of her new apartment that was still waiting to be filled with furniture. She was nearly ten weeks along, still got nauseous at least twice a day, and had been forbidden, unnecessarily, from moving any furniture. Which is why she had been sat in the middle of her new living room on her laptop while she waited for the furniture to be delivered and for Derek and Mark to arrive to move it around.

Derek had insisted on helping, and she was sure Mark was only helping to use it as an excuse to continue his mission on making amends with Derek. She lay back on the floor, her hand moving over her abdomen as she closed her eyes. She didn't know what to do at all about her situation.

There was a really high probability of Jordan showing up in Seattle, and maybe she'd made the wrong decision by coming to Seattle Grace. Jordan knew she was somewhat close to Richard, and with Ellis having worked here before going into the residential home, he was probably going to ask around the hospital if he did come here. She needed to do something to keep him away, she just didn't know what she would do, or what she could do.

She grabbed her phone from the side of her, her old phone, scrolling through the messages from Jordan. Maybe she could call him, sort it out over the phone. Explain she wasn't coming back to Boston, be honest with him that she wouldn't be coming back to Boston at all and that she'd started a new life out here. If she hadn't been pregnant, she might even consider running away and changing her whole identity.

She froze slightly as the phone started ringing, the only person who called the number trying to contact her. She bit down hard on her lip as she answered the call but didn't say anything.

"Meredith?" she heard his voice as she held the phone to her ear, "Are you there?"

"Yeah," she whispered, "I'm here."

"You've been ignoring me for over almost a month now, this is enough, this has to end. What's going on? What is this?"

"I've been busy," she murmured.

"Too busy for your own husband? What are you doing out there still anyway? You should be back in Boston by now."

"I... my fellowship," she sighed, swallowing back a small amount of vomit in the back of her throat, "I'm leaving you, Jordan."

"So, you're serious about these divorce papers?" he chuckled.

"Yeah... yeah, I am," she muttered, feeling tears starting to well up in her eyes as she stood up off the floor.

"You can't do this to me, Meredith."

"I... I am."

"Come home, Meredith, we can work this out."

"I can't come back to Boston," she whispered.

"Meredith, please, you can't divorce me," his voice seemed to soften slightly.

"Jordan... just sign the papers and be thankful I haven't gone to the police," she muttered as the intercom buzzed.

"Why? They wouldn't believe anything you said. You have no reason to go to the police."

"You... I have to go."

"Stay on the phone."

"I can't... I have to go," she said as her other phone pinged with a message and she quickly checked, seeing Mark and Derek were waiting to come up.

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