°•|Chapter XIV|•°

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°•|Chapter XIV|•°

The howling winds of an approaching storm barged against the body of the vehicle.

A warning of soon to be rain, which made careless whistles that accompanied the heavy tension. You have never ridden a rollercoaster before. You never really had the chance considering the lack of time you spent outside of Green Hills. But thinking about it now, in retrospect: riding  a taxi which clocked speeds immensely past the limit was enough of an experience for you to taste the authenticity of a theme park.

For once in your life, you felt the burden of travel sickness.

You clung tightly to your seat at the back in between Maddie and the farmer. Clutching your upset stomach; trying to distract your mind from the thought of barfing. Maddie took pity on you (whilst simultaneously praying you wouldn't regurgitate in her direction), reassuring you every fifteen minutes or so that you'd soon be out on solid; still ground.

The farmer chatted away, trying to initiate small talk. Tom sat shotgun, currently in a heated argument with Wade on his phone. Due to your situation, he had ushered the driver to go faster. Of course, that prompted a solid no, but the driver instantly changed his mind once Tom revealed his officer badge. Despite the sheriff's reassurances, the driver was sweating buckets as he frequently checked the rearview mirror for any cop car he might have alerted with his unacceptable speed.

Out of the corner of your eye, you managed to catch the 'Welcome to Green Hills' sign before it whisked away like yesterdays newspaper. That made you feel a little bit better - you were getting close to town, and judging by Tom's conversation with Wade the tides were now turning in your favour. The sheriff pinched the bridge of his nose, letting out a sigh that extinguished his harsh emotions. You couldn't see him well in the dark; just the bright red units of the taxis clock blaring back at you. "Alright, forget what I said. Have you evacuated the area?" 

"Yeah. Some of the guys went out to take control of the situation," Wade replied. "Still haven't heard from them yet." 

"Are any of them... Ya'know...?"

Wade chuckled. "What do you think? You get a spot in the SF PD then suddenly you're a wanted 'terrorist'" Tom huffed. "Thanks to that whack job... Any updates on them? Has their location changed?" Sounds of shuffling was his only response until Wade's voice came back to life again. "Relax. They're still in town central. I'm on my way there now." 

"Stay on the line with me." 

Hope rushed back into your system - almost opposing your sick feeling. For some reason, your brain interpreted that to mean that Sonic was still okay. It seemed illogical, but you didn't dare let that boat sink. They were still in the same location they appeared in suddenly, possibly due to one of Sonic's rings. To you that either meant that the hedgehog was in the midst of a battle with the moustachioed man. Or he had already suffered his demise by the hand of defeat. You dearly hoped the former.

You didn't know how you would cope if the universe decided to play its cards differently. The slick hand of dread fueled your stomach's rage. You forced yourself to think of happier times.

Silence drowned the taxi. For a while, only the sound of the car's engine being overworked accompanied your thoughts. At this point, you weren't really focused on anything. Your mind was running entirely on autopilot. Sometimes you'd be pulled back into reality when Wade makes a random comment on something. 

A flurry of emotions swarmed inside of you; causing your chest to suffer frostbite. Some part of you that was still aware claimed it was a better alternative to the bothersome nausea you were plagued with. Still, it seemed like time had tried its best to exclude you from these events. It really made you wonder. When was the last time had you opened your eyes? In a figurative sense. Ever since you set sail to Francisco it was as if you were stuck in a dream.

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