°•|Chapter VIII|•°

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°{Chapter VIII}°

It was one thing taking a trip down memory lane. The other was actually taking the time out of your life to experience them. 

You weren't keen on inserting school into the trip. 

Summer in North Dakota was like being inside a sauna in a desert. As soon as you got out of the car, warm air like the breath of an oven hit you instantly. You looked up at your new school with slight distaste. 

With its cement walls and spired rooftops, it looked like a cross between a prison and an ancient castle. A triangular tipped fence lined the perimeter. It looked like a boarding school to you. You glanced back at  the chauffeur, who has driven you all the way to the school. 

Your parents have hired him to take you, for, once again, the same reason they've used for a long time now. They were always busy with work. Your father has left you and your mother as soon as you arrived from Montana, to deal with the powerplants here as soon as possible. It must be difficult to own a large powerplant company, you thought. 

Still, would it kill your parents to spend a little time with you? Even drive you here themselves? 

You shifted your schoolbag on your shoulders. Before you made your way towards the school, you gave your farewells to the chauffeur. "Have a nice day, miss [Y/N]," he said. You watched as he quick started the car, and drove off without another word. You turned around and faced the building before you once more. 

Releasing a sigh, you made your way towards the gates, and to the front entrance. There was a large sign plastered above the entrance door, the words 'WELCOME TO EULOGIA ACADEMY' written in bronze. 


You knew for as soon as you walked through those doors, you'd be wishing to be back at home. 

You could sleep away some extra hours, go on your laptop and check for some messages from Maddie. At least, you hoped you received some from her. It was just the beginning of the afternoon back there in Green Hills. Yes, Maddie and Tom could be working, but you had hope that after you endure this first day of school, you'd come home and find them typing away to you. 

You hoped

Like a mirage, your mind threw you into one of your memories as soon as you took your first step inside the building. You didn't push it away, but watched as the scene unfold...

• • • 

"The floors were sticky, the crowd was rough and the odds were against us, but there was no stopping Donut Lord and the Blue Blur!" Said the excited hedgehog. As he repeatedly bounced up and down on one of the motel's double beds. 

You stood next to Tom, and watched Sonic zip over to the second double bed in a blink of an eye. "Scratch another one off my list!"

He sat down on the bed, leaning over to his bucket list that layed on a drawer table in between both beds. Tom had placed ice into two small towels, creating some homemade ice packs. He then walked over to the beds, and sat on the opposite one of Sonic. 

"You are a weird little dude," he said - not meaning that as an insult -, handing the blue hedgehog one of the ice packs. Tom pressed his ice pack against his cheek, the spot where he was hit by one of the roundhouse thugs back at the Piston pit. 

He let out a grunt as the pain made itself known. Sonic looked at him in wonder, before imitating his actions. With every grunt and hum Tom produced, Sonic copied. Sonic rubbed the ice pack against his cheek, as if snuggling into a teddy bear. 

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