°•|Chapter X|•°

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°•|Chapter X|•°

The rest of your adventure here was left to history itself.

You didn't know how or when, but at this point, you presumed the last bits of your consciousness had slipt off your fingers entirely. The last thing you saw, was the blurry outline of Sonic, the feeling of warmth still present on your hand before your eyelids fell over your eyes.

You tried to stay conscious even after that. But your efforts proved to be futile, as your mind finally drifted away to sleep. 

It felt like a lifetime had passed when your sense of touch awoke. Your whole body felt awake, gone from its slumber as your other senses sharpened. Your mind felt flushed, as if it released one of its own yawns, and in an instant it buzzed with activity. Confusion spread everywhere, like liquid being spilled from a cup. 

You were lying down, but not in the backseats of Tom's Toyota, this felt much more different than a car seat. It was more soft, especially around your head. Your hands grabbled your surroundings, but all they brought back was the texture of whatever you were now lying on top of.

A loud ruckus sent a jolt of surprise throughout your body, making you flinch and your eyes zap open. Having let out a gasp to further accompany your return to the lively world, the sound of scattering feet along with a jingle of a little keychain made their way towards you. Before you had time to turn your head over to check out what it was, a warm, pink tongue began to lick your face.

Groaning, you tried tilting your head to the side, but that did not change anything for your kiss attacker. Finally, you caught a glimpse of them, and your heart pumped faster. "Ozzy?" You said. 

Sure enough, it was the ol' dog himself in all of his golden furry glory. Ozzy stared at you with his big brown eyes, his tail wagging in hearing his name. You propped yourself up onto your elbows, before sitting up. You rubbed your forehead as you received a headache from trying to remember what happened before you blacked out.

Before you had time to acknowledge your surroundings, a glass cup appeared close to your face. "Here," said a sweet, little voice. You turned your head to your right, and sitting on the extended part of the seat of what appeared to be a sofa with a wide chaise, was a young girl you've only seen in pictures. 

"JoJo?" You said in disbelief. JoJo gave you a big smile, before bringing the cup with what appeared to be filled with water closer to your hands. "You're probably thirsty from your long trip here."

Your gaze drifted from her down towards the cup. It was true, you've been running around for a while without any thing to keep you hydrated. In fact, the last thing that made it's way through your digestive system was the breakfast you had back at the Wachowski's home. 

You lifted the cup up to your lips, the cold liquid making it's way into your mouth and down your warm, dry throat. Before, your whole mouth and esophagus felt like a scorpion's nest. Unpleasant, but you were glad it had not stuck around for another minute. You lowered the glass cup down, thanking JoJo before the real question came to your mind. "Where are the others?" You asked.

JoJo regarded you for a second before her face glowed up in comprehension. "Oh! You mean that blue alien thingy? They're in the kitchen," she said, before adding quickly, "which reminds me, I have to go get something quick." 

She then proceeded to get up from the sofa, and ran out of the room. You stared at the direction she ran too, before getting up from the sofa yourself. You smiled down at Ozzy, who began to follow you out of the room. Glass cup in hand, your ears picked up a familiar voice speaking. A couple, actually, but this was one you were drawn to. Heart fluttering, you made your way to the kitchen, finding one blue hedgehog. He stood there on the kitchen table, without his shoes on, all whilst staring at a set of double oak doors. 

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