°•|Chapter II|•°

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°{Chapter II}°

There he was. 

Standing right Infront of you. He must've finished with his shift work,  as he was still in his beige police officer uniform.

A toothy smile shaped on his face at the sight of seeing you. His blue eyes twinkling with their usual friendliness. The wind was blowing his brown hair around like a tumbleweed. "Hey, kiddo. How was your baseball game?" 

You stared at him incredulously for a second before responding. You figured that it was best to not be rude when he supposedly came to take you home. 

"It was great. We won against Spring Valley." 

"Well, you must be pretty happy about that." 

You nodded your head, before getting to the question that was biting you. "So...what's with my parents this time..?" You asked, trying to keep a nonchalant tone to your voice. Instantly his smile wavered, and from that reaction alone was enough for your expectations to be answered. 

"I'm sorry, [Y/N]. Both your mother and father are having some stressful times at work. Your father asked me earlier if I could pick you up and babysit you for the night." He replied whilst maintaining eye contact with you. You seemed to be at ease just by looking at his eyes, as if they were displaying calming messages for you. "Why babysit me when I can stay at home? I'll be fine by myself," You said, placing one hand on your hip.

Tom gave you a smirk. "It's against the law to leave a child as young as you are alone at home without an adult." He replied in a confident tone a proper police officer would have. You let loose a fake disappointed sigh, making him chuckle. "So....are you ready to leave?"

Tom asked, as he patted the roof of the car, before opening one of the doors leading to the passenger seat next to the driver's. You gave him a smile along with a nod, before hopping in. He shut the door, before going to the opposite one, leading to the driver's seat. "Buckle up." Once you strapped the seatbelt on, you let your head peer out of the window. Tom strapped on his own seatbelt, and turned the key, lighting the ignition. He steered back onto the road before pressing his foot on the accelerator. 

You watched as the baseball stadium slowly got farther and farther away, until disappearing in the misty fog of the night. You figured once it got dark, there wasn't much to see. There was only light once you got deeper into Green Hills. Street lamps shined their rather ominous orange light across the ground, catching anything reflective; like the windows on shops. 

 You couldn't see the colours of the buildings or trees, just their dark silhouettes.

You pulled your head back into the car and slumped against the seat. You wished you could've seen the city at its best one last time. You start to appreciate the little things more once you learn it would be the last time you could ever see them. Nobody knew how long you will be gone. A little flame of hope burned dimly inside of you, hoping it would just be a few weeks or less. 

But you knew that would not come to be. You knew, for that your stay at North Dakota, would be longer than what you would wish. And, for now, you believed it. You might just happen to be gone for good. What else is new? 

Your baseball team has already found a replacement for you once you leave. The baseball game from earlier on was truly to be your last. At least, it was a memorable one, just like Timothy said. "Yeah! At least your last game was a good one."

At least it was...

But that wasn't the only thing that was bothering you. It wasn't just the location you will be missing, it would also be the people. Your friends, your teammates, the locals, Tom, Maddie -everyone. Especially the Wachowskis. You'd always come around to their home whenever you wanted to escape from your own. They were like your second family, only you guys weren't biologically related at all. It was a good thing your father viewed Tom as a good man, or you would of never been allowed to visit them.

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