°•|Chapter V|•°

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°{Chapter V}°

Tom's eyes widened as the drone prepared to shoot. 

He acts quickly, and pulls Blue with him to the living room. They hid behind the living room table as the drone opens fire. 

A plethora of holes peppered the walls as the drone fired its bullets, destroying some of the decorations, too. You were hiding behind the doorframe, watching helplessly. You were a bit grateful it didn't shoot in your direction, as this was definitely not a good hiding place. Or a good place for cover. 

Blue crawled behind one of the chairs at the table; the drone still continuing its offense. "This feels excessive!"

Suddenly, it stopped firing. You figured it was reloading its guns. It sure was taking its leisurely time to do so. This gave you guys an advantage. Tom peeked his head from behind one of the chairs. He then went back down and looked behind him. A flash of blue emitted in the corner of your eye. You couldn't see where it went, as you couldn't see past the other doorframe. 

Tom looked over the chair again, his eyes widening. He then shook his head urgently. Your eyebrows knitted. What was he doing? The drone was about to open fire again! 

Much to your terrified confusion, you stayed put at your place. Then, with  a "hi-yah!" Blue appeared on top of the drone. Maybe he jumped off of the tall table behind the doorframe Infront of you. Who knows, but he did land on top of it at the same time it opened fire. 

The drone spinned and jerked about, trying to get Blue off of itself, resulting in new bullet holes in the room and in the kitchen. You let out a gasp and pressed yourself behind the doorframe as best as you could - the drones bullets firing towards you. Some of them hit the doorframe, sending chips of wood at your bare legs, leaving light scratches. 

"Don't worry! I've got it right where I want it! Hah! Yah! -" Glass shattered and sprinkled all over the floor, as the drone continued to buckle and jerk in the air. "- Can you believe Amazon is gonna deliver packages with these things?"

You couldn't see what was happening, but you knew the place looked like a wreck. You shut your eyes as another volley of bullets flied to your direction; meaning more scratch marks on your legs from wood chips. 

"This was a horrible plan! What was I thinking?" Blue yelled, grabbing on tighter to the drone after nearly falling off. You could no longer hear the drone firing bullets anymore, but you dared not to look. Sure, it was probably reloading its guns, but you did not relish the idea of having several bullets shot into your body the moment you moved from behind the doorframe. 

After all, it was still here. And not destroyed. 

"I'm gonna puke!" 

The sound of metal being smashed sounded. All of those sounds seemed to happen so fast, but when you looked over from behind the doorframe cautiously, you knew the danger had past. The drone, now layed on the floor. Bits of glass surrounding its now inanimate body. Tom had a dark coloured bowl in his hands, which he probably used against the drone. He glanced down at Blue, who was also lying on the floor, in a daze. He quickly placed the bowl on the table and scooped him up into his arms. "[Y/N]!" He yelled frantically. 

"I'm here! I'm here!" You said in a shaky voice as you made your way towards him. "Come on! We gotta get outta here!" He said, as he ran to the front door of the house. You ran after him. The three of you made your way outside and down the steps of the front porch. "Aw, don't tell me that's all you got? I'm just getting started! Let me know if you wanna go round two with the blue!" Blue yelled over Tom's shoulder. 

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