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The nights silence seized the world.

Stars glittered in the darkness.

The occasional sound of a car passing by on the road was only one of the few little sounds the night had in offer for you. Not as much as it used too. The sound of small birds rustling in trees? The sound of raccoons running about invading a person's bin, and, if you listened carefully, the sound of crickets chirping?

Not anymore. This place wasn't the same as the one you left behind. There wasn't enough joy or sunshine, nor enough open space - what takes up the space are large business buildings and skyscrapers. It felt way to cramped. This wasn't home. It doesn't feel like home.

Your real home was back there, in Montana. The only home you've ever known. You imagined He would of gone berserk with the lack of space to run. A melancholic sigh escaped your lips. Oh, him.....

He was one of the difficult ones to give your farewells. Perhaps emotional, even. You remembered how horrible you felt, seeing his heart-stricken eyes gaze into yours. As if trying to break through the barriers guarding the truth. Alas, what came forth from your mouth was the real deal.

That was no joke. 

 For a split second, His voice awoke, whispering in one of your memories.

"Yeah! Isn't this fun, [Y/N]?" 

A smile that held no happiness shaped on your exhausted face. It was only two days since the move, and you already longed to be back in your previous bedroom. Your tired bloodshot eyes stared abidingly at the laptop screen in place on your lap. Once in awhile, you refreshed the page, only to receive the same response:

'No messages'

Maddie has promised to contact you once in a while to tip you in on how everything was going with the renovation. A week before you left, the Wachowski's were quite busy with the house. Repainting walls, filling in holes left from bullets; the usual. But it wasn't just the house, she said you two could have chats with eachother. Passing news from here to there. 

But it seemed she has broken that promise. 

You tried to convince yourself that things must have been busy for them, what with the house and all. But it still saddened you that you won't have any communication with your former 'babysitters'. 

Much less with the Blue Devil himself.

At last, the clock struck twelve. You waited for the ominous chimes of the grandfather clock down the hall to finish, before closing the lid of the laptop. You should have been asleep some time ago, but since the time difference here is different than of Green Hills, you stayed hopeful that you will get a message. 

But it was now midnight, which was about sometime early in the morning back there. There was no way Tom and Maddie would be still awake. A tired yawn broke free from your mouth. You got up from your sitting position on your bed and strided over to the study desk near the door.

You placed the laptop next to the school uniform for the  new school you were transfering to. You will have to embrace your first day tomorrow. If anything for things to get worse, is that if the school didn't have a baseball team. 

If anything, You were too exhausted to think about the suffering you'll experience in the morning. You went back to your bed, lifted the blanket up enough for you to go under it; and rested your head on the pillow before snuggling into the blanket. 

Your eyelids fell over your eyes, resulting in you seeing complete darkness. Although your body demanded rest, your mind was buzzing. Being exposed to the light from your laptop in the dark has extinguished all of the sleeping hormones that were previously produced.

You tossed and turned around in the bed, trying to find a comfortable spot so you can disconnect from the world for a few hours. Finally, you gave up. You layed down on your back, eyes fixed onto the ceiling. Can't a person get some sleep? 

Your eyes remained glued to the ceiling as your mind began to start counting sheep. You just reached fifteen when the sheeps suddenly turned into little hedgehogs. You slapped your hands over your face, letting loose a groan of irritation.

You just couldn't escape those memories. All they brought back was the pain. The pain of realising you have lost something. Like a toy you left behind in a park, knowing that you won't have any chance of coming back to retrieve it. And even if you do come back, who's to say that it will still be there?

.....then again, would it hurt to replay just one...?

Your hands slowly moved away from your face. A newfound glitter of nostalgia shimmered in your [E/C] eyes as you recounted your earliest memories of Green Hills. The first time you've hit the ball with the baseball bat, the trip around the countryside with your parents, Crazy Carl's stories.....

Memories of him flashed in your mind, the many moments you've shared along the way of your journey to San Francisco. How he used to look at you as if you were something more than what he had announced you to be. Ah, Carl's stories weren't truly stories. They were real.

 You knew this because of that one day that changed your life.....

The day you met him.

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