°•|Chapter VII|•°

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°{Chapter VII}°

As you two entered the Piston pit, you knew it was a bad idea. 

There wasn't a lot of lightning, as cheap lights with lamp shades were the only source of light. A group of people to your left were busy playing roulette, some roundhouse waitresses were walking about serving drinks. There was a mechanical bull to the far right of the room, bucking and jerking about, trying its best to get the man riding it off. 

There were some other games standing here and there, too. And of course, a bar wouldn't be a bar without the Public house bar area. You let Sonic drag you to one of the empty tables near the centre. You sat on the opposite stool facing him. So far no one was giving you two any attention, but that didn't stop you from feeling uneasy. 

Any minute now and you'd get in trouble, so you thought. But you tried to keep yourself together for Sonic, nonetheless. Speaking of Sonic, his head was darting around his surroundings, excitement clearly evident on his face. "This place is amazing! I wonder what's in those cups," he said, as he watched a roundhouse waitress place a beer glass on a table Infront of a man. 

Definitely something you should not drink, you thought. 

He turned to look at you, lifting his shades up to cover his eyes as they began to slip a bit. "So what should we do first? Slam a dunk? Dance? Ooo! How about we watch the ZZ Top cover band?" He said, pointing a finger behind you. Sure enough, there was a group of men with the wildest beards you've ever seen. 

They seemed to be preparing to perform, but some of them were slacking off at the pub area. You wanted to say it might take a while for them to get ready, but you didn't want to burst his excitement. 

You looked back at him, not finding the band interesting anymore, just in time to see Tom.

He stood behind Sonic, with a displeased look. He bumped him on his back, and cleared his throat loud enough to be heard over the rock music. Sonic turned around quickly, and greeted him happily. "Howdy, partner!" He said, as he tipped the cowboy hat on his head. 

"I'm not your partner. Come on, we're leaving," said Tom, as he gave you a look you knew meant, you're in deeeeep trouble, missy

You sunk in the stool, but Sonic saved you. "But there's a ZZ Top cover band! You gotta see their beards," he said, as he gestured to the band with his hands before turning around to see them better. Tom went to the stool to Sonic's right, and stood Infront of him. "Weird enough to catch them some other time. Let's go, get up."

Sonic placed one hand on his chest, whilst holding up his other one, only putting up three fingers; like a scout. "If we stay, I promise I won't say another word for the rest of the trip, starting... now," he said, as he looked at Tom straight in the eyes. 

Tom let out an inaudible huff, and gave Sonic a face that was a mixture of annoyance and ponder. You dared not to speak, as a short silence engulfed you three. Keyword: short

You only say that because the silence was soon to be interrupted by a roundhouse waitress. "Welcome to the Piston Pit. What can I get you, fellas?" She said, as she stood next to Tom. Sonic beated Tom to it first, "Oh! I want nachos and Buffalo Wings... Oh, and guac. Funny word, isn't it? Guac, guac. Guuuaac." 

The waitress furrowed her eyebrows. "Hey, no kids allowed in here. What's he got on, some kind of mask?" She said to Tom. Busted. You were just about ready to ditch the place as fast as you could when Tom spoke up. "Oh, he... Uh... He's actually forty-three years old and, um, suffers from a very rare skin disease, that stuns his growth and makes him look, um, like... like that."

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