°•|Chapter IV|•°

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°{Chapter IV}°

Quite sooner than you would think, you and Tom now stood in the dining room which was connected to the kitchen. 

Ozzy's dog cage was placed on the dining table, which was also the prison cage for the creature you found in the shed from earlier. Now that it was lying unconscious behind the bars of the dog cage, you had a better look at it. 

It had humanoid features from its legs all the way to its neck. You didn't count the head and face, as they looked less than human. Apart for having two eyes, a mouth, and what you presumed the black plump was to be a nose.  It didn't have humanlike ears, either. Its fur was not entirely blue, as it had a beige patch on its chest and on its face. It appeared to be wearing white gloves, some socks and mismatched shoes. How rather peculiar for it be wearing some clothing, was it to you. 

You watched as Tom pushed a spatula through the bars and poked the side of the creature's head, seeming to try waking it up out of unconsciousness. But it did not wake.

He pulled the spatula back out and placed it down on the table. He then picked up the blue glow stick. Your eyes widened as a gear clicked in your head. It was an exact match as the ones protruding from the creature's head. You heard Tom let out a breath.

 "The Blue Devil..." He said. 

You stared at him in slight amazement. You weren't going to admit it to his face though, but you suddenly felt excitement bubble up inside of you. You have heard a lot of stories about the Blue Devil, always had some sort of mixed belief in its existence as the years trudged along. You thought they weren't real. But here it was, right Infront of you. 

You went around the other side of the table, as you tried to get a closer look at it. Meanwhile, Tom turned around and leaned on the countertop, shaking his head a bit in disbelief. It was then you thought about touching it. The little kid spirit inside of you was rekindled. 

'I dare you to touch it!' It shouted.

'No way! What if it wakes up?' Shouted your mature self.

'I triple dog dare you!' 

You lifted a finger up and slowly pushed it through the bars. Your finger froze before quickly poking it on the side of its head. It was soft and fluffy - just like Ozzy. You waited for it to make any sort of movement, but, fortunately it did not. You let out a quiet sigh of relief. 

'Ha! See? It didn't move!' Said your little kid spirit. 

All your mature self did was give off a huff of annoyance. You were about to reach out for the blue glow stick on the table when you saw it move. You jumped and stepped back away from the dining table, as the creature got up from its previous position and out of the dog cage. 

It now stood on its two legs, facing Tom. You suddenly felt a feeling of urgency to warn Tom. What if it attacks him? Who knows what it's capable of.

Fortunately you did not need to. Tom turned around, his phone in hand. Perhaps he was going to take a picture of the creature, or call someone. Whatever he was going to do was cut short, as he quickly dropped his phone back on the countertop and stepped away as soon as he noticed the creature now standing before him. 

That was when you heard it speak. "Donut Lord?" It said in a bit of a drowsy tone. 

"You can talk," Tom said uneasily. "You're not... you're not here to abduct us, are you?" 

"You abducted me," it corrected, pointing out the obvious.

"Okay, that's a fair point," Tom admitted, before continuing in a sort of serious tone. "What are you? Why are you hiding out in my garage?" 

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