°•|Chapter ♥?|•°

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°•|Chapter ♥?|•°

Time sluggishly strolled by. 

The smell of burning tarmac and petrichor melted away, like the shampoo that slithered off your skin; the hot cocoa that sloshed down your throat. 

The skies were completely clear from the smoke and cries of sirens. Instead, the sharp touch of the summer sun dripped down to the earth like honey. The dewy freshness of watermelon soaked your taste buds as you watched the flowers in the lawn bake in the pleasant heat. It was true, time was indeed taking its leisure. It amazed you how quickly everything changed - how surreal everyone adapted so fast. 

Not to mention the lack of questioning. 

By now, a full week has past since the incident. The government had silenced all talk of what happened. Not a single newspaper that slipped through the door ever mentioned a tyrannical scientist, nor a strange blue creature. Alas, the duo were forever to be remembered as a mystery. 

A simple cover story regarding the events took their place in the ever gullible minds of society. You guessed there was an abundance of apathy in the world, so no one did a double take when they heard about the blackout. Tom seemed to have been freed from the terrorist head cannon, judging by his relaxed demeanor. He had even made the choice to remain in Green Hills, something which you took with great delight.

However, the sheriff had to drive all the way back to San Francisco to pick up a certain retriever and bring him home. Poor Ozzy missed all the action. He would have been great to have redesign Eggman's costume. 

That night when you had arrived at the Wachowski's haven, the place was just as you left it - bullet holes in the walls and windows of the kitchen and dining area, shattered picture frames; and of course the lifeless Eggman drone that peered up at you with its smashed eye. 

Sonic generously took on the chore of disposing the drone. You don't know where or what he had done with it, but he assured you that it was "in a better place now." Whatever that meant. As for the damage it caused, mainly regarding the holes in the walls, that had to wait. The following morning, there would be orders sent for new windows and cans of what looked to be paint. Maddie had given you an oversized sweater that reached down to your knees to wear whilst your baseball uniform went into the laundry pile for a scheduled power wash.

It did feel awkward for a while, but you got used to it. Thinking of it as a large cuddly blanket wrapped around you helped in normalising it. 

The rest of the week was filled with trips into town, movie nights (including the hedgehog's burnt buttered popcorn soufflé); the occasional sweet treat; and numerous spots of drool on your sweater thanks to the little naps you shared with Blue Boy. 

At one point, the hedgehog wanted to show you all the place he has been living in for the past few years. All it took was one visit into the forest and a fully approved plan of making the cave he called home into a former was decided. You wondered how he managed to gather all of those items in one place. Especially that tumble dryer. The amount of luck he had to own the entire collection of The Flash Comics must've been sky high, much less to even be able to find each issue. 

Sonic noticed your wistful gaze. He offered to read some of his personal favourites with you. 

After visiting some areas the hedgehog thought were cool to share; and a run in with (Super Observant) Carl; the plan was set in motion. All you had to do was keep Blue busy. The rest was up to the Wachowskis. In your opinion, things could've gotten worse. You kept telling yourself, no matter what happens, that it will be worth it in the end. Apparently you did so well in your job that even you didn't notice the couple sneaking upstairs with boxes. 

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