𝙿𝚛𝚎𝚝𝚝𝚢 𝙶𝚒𝚛𝚕 𝚆𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝙱𝚛𝚘𝚔𝚎𝚗 𝙱𝚘𝚗𝚎𝚜

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Even with a broken wrist, a cracked rib, and a chipped tooth, (F/n) was still on her feet. She was ready to break every bone and tear every muscle in Chrollo's body with her own two hands, but she walked alongside Illumi down a musty alleyway. (F/n) cradled her left hand in her right one and groaned when Illumi brought his hand up as if silently telling her to stop. She got the hint and painfully shoved her hand into her left pocket, casting the thought of it aside. Machi had given her a hood beforehand to protect the (s/c) girl from being picked out of a lineup in case she was to be caught. 

"You're prettier when you're silent," Illumi's monotone voice irked her sometimes. Chewing the inside of her cheek, (F/n) rolls her eyes and straightens her back. Wincing at the pain caused by the cracked bones, she says, "I can say the same for you, beautiful." He turns to look at her, staring at her with his big, dark eyes. I thought it was funny. She thinks, squints, and shoots him a sarcastic smile. "Why'd I get stuck with you, anyway?" She says, "is it the worst punishment Chrollo could think of? Because it's not very creative."

He turns away and continues walking, stepping on broken pieces of concrete and shards of glass. "I don't want to kill you like everyone else," he pauses, and a small, sadistic smile appears on his lips, "yet." (F/n) rolls her eyes and she could feel the small amount of blood lust leak from the assassin. "I'd like to see you try, pretty boy." They've exchanged multiple conversations like this, but most of the time they were nothing more than just threats. 

Ignoring her statement, he checks his surroundings before continuing forward. He was sensing something that she didn't bother looking for. "This is boring, I want to break something or someone," the (e/c) eyed woman says and sighs with an obnoxious, bored tone. Illumi glances at her, clearly not interested in her remarks, and shrugs to the open space behind them. "Then kill the person that's been advancing on us for the last fifteen minutes." She smirks excitedly, whips around, and notices someone duck behind a pile of rubble. 

"Hey, sweetheart!" (F/n) calls out with a mocking voice, "I promise to make it as painless as possible!" Illumi mutters something under his breath, yet he was immediately on alert, pulling her towards him. Their bodies collide and she smiles, "this is new. Have your feelings changed?" Tugging her hood over her face, she notices the sudden chains extending towards them. "This isn't a part of the mission," Illumi explains and drags (F/n) behind him as he runs down the crumbling alleyway. 

"Was that the chain user?" She questions aloud and her eyes light up, rage bubbling beneath the surface of them. "Most likely," he says and they dodge the chains that quickly followed them. Using her nen, she blocks the sharp tips of the metal with falling beams. They make a quick left and the path explodes behind them, allowing the falling concrete dust to block the enemy's view. "Why not just kill them?" Her voice was laced with obvious anger and she allows some of the buildings to collapse.

"Because that's not the mission," Illumi repeats. (F/n)'s attention was no longer directed behind them as someone up ahead blocks their path. "Conceal your aura and run." His voice held a stern tone to it. He never let his emotions show, but in this very moment, she didn't tease him for it, she did what she was told. "You know where to find me, Illumi." She calls out and stomps the ground, allowing another smokescreen to cover her while she runs towards the city.

(F/n) eventually finds herself in the busy part of York New and adjusts the hood over herself. Covered in dust, bruises, and cuts, she blends into the crowd by keeping her head down. "I need to change," she says to herself when she notices the shape she was in, spotting a store that focused on clothing a few feet away. "A new outfit or two wouldn't hurt." Checking her pocket for her wallet, she smiles to herself and walks in. Browsing through the isles with nothing particular on her mind, she runs her fingers across a sweater that matched the one that she gave to the blond. What was his name? Kurtis? Kurta? Kurapika? Kurapika sounded right, so she went with it. 

"That'd look good on you, I definitely recommend buying it." The store clerk says and (F/n) catches the brunette woman staring back at her with judgmental, blue eyes. Not making eye contact, she snorts at the clerk. "Excuse me?" Her grip on the fabric tightens and she exams the lady in front of her. "I was just complimenting you." The brunette smiles innocently, fluttering her eyelashes, as if attempting to reenact a butterfly, and turns away to another rack, placing the items in their spots. Keeping her head down, she says, "Oh yeah, I bet you fucking were." Snatching the sweater from the hanger, it snaps at the sudden force and she grabs a few other articles of clothing before going to exit the store. She grabs a bag from the counter and shoves them in it before laughing. "Maybe I'll keep you out of business." Opening the door, she kicks it shut, shattering the glass behind her. 

Leaving the employee speechless, (F/n) makes a run for it, ducking behind a dumpster and tossing her cloak in it. Bitch. She thinks and begins her journey home. Before making her final turn, she senses an unwanted presence but ignores them. "While poor Illumi is fighting for his life, you decided to go on a shopping spree, my sweetest fruit?" A familiar, yet chilling voice asks and she internally screams. Of course, it had to be this man of all people. 

"To be fair, Hisoka, I didn't pay for these." The magician claps his hands together as he follows her every footstep. "Oh~. Like a true criminal. I've always loved that about you." Her body cringed when he placed a hand on her shoulder and she goes to swat at him with her broken wrist but she takes a sharp breath in and drops her bag. 

"Let me help you with that, fruit.~" (F/n) quirks an eyebrow at him and he steps close to her, his body pressing against hers. "What am I? A fucking pear? Fuck off somewhere else, Hisoka. You're the last person I want to see right now." Picking the paper bag up herself, she reaches for her house key, but they're taken from her before she even had a proper grip on them. "I love when you act like this," he twirls the keyring on his right index finger and looks down at her, "I'll be going in now." With that, Hisoka unlocks her front door before inviting himself in. 

There's only one way this will end. 

this is everywhere :')

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