𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎𝚕𝚢 𝙼𝚎𝚜𝚜

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After their small agreement, the air between (F/n) and Kurapika felt more at ease and they shared a conversation about their favorite authors while Gon and Killua chatted with Leorio while giving obvious side glances to the two other adults. "What do you think they're talking about?" (F/n) asks as takes the book that Kurapika was offering her. "I haven't a clue, but they're not being very secretive about it." (F/n) nods in agreement and they resume their conversation.

It didn't take long for dinner to finish and they were all seated in the living room since the table was much larger than the one in the kitchen.

What started out as a quiet dinner quickly turned into a mess. They had already eaten what they wanted and with a bored yawn, Gon catapulted a spoonful of vegetables at his white-haired friend, and Leorio couldn't help but laugh loudly when it scatters across Killua's pale complexion. The teen grabs a fist full of rice and shoves it into Gon's hair with a determined look. "Idiot!" He exclaims and they exchange.

(F/n) couldn't help the shocked expression that was now on her face. "Wha-" She looks at Kurapika for some kind of explanation, but he was quietly laughing to himself. Was this normal for them? To start throwing food like barbarians? "Loosen up, (F/n)-san!" Gon says with a bright smile and a hair full of rice. Leorio notices her stiff expression and pulls the collar of her shirt open before dropping an ice cube down her back.

Squealing, she stands to her feet with a bright red face. Was she even allowed to join in on the mess? Looking back at Kurapika, he gives her a small smile but it turns into a wide-mouthed expression when vegetables are sent in his direction.

Another ice cube slides down her shirt and she turns to see Leorio standing there with an evil glint in his eyes. "OH! You're so going to get it!" She warns and grabs her glass from the table that still has a small amount of water at the bottom. Maybe a few teaspoons? However much was in it, (F/n) didn't care. She was determined to dump the cluster of ice into the back of his shirt as well.

Being much quicker on her feet than Leorio, she wraps her legs around his waist and tugs his collar back, and dumps the cold water down his back. He lets out a howl, trying his best to untuck his shirt as fast as possible. "COLD! COLD! COLD!" Leorio repeats and gives (F/n) pleading eyes.

She points at him dramatically, "that's what you get- NOT AGAIN!" ice was placed on the backs of her legs and with a quick turn, she catches Kurapika grinning innocently from his spot on the floor. "You dare betray me?"

"I don't remember there being teams," his grin turns into a smirk and she drops to her knees to become eye level with him. (F/n) leans forward, her face close to his, flustering him while she plucks a cube from the blond's glass. She pulls his collar open and smirks. "Maybe you should've picked a side." Releasing the ice from her hand, she allows the cube to slide down his chest.

While she pulls away, Kurapika covers his mouth when a moan-like sound leaves his lips. The other three were too busy with their food war to pay any attention to the blond, but (F/n)'s eyebrow quirks up and she smirks, "you okay?" She couldn't tell if the sound was an actual moan or not, but she figured she might as well tease him about it, but when a sudden realization dawns on her, her eyes widen.

"Did it hit your stitches?" It didn't. Kurapika thought when he watches her grab a hand towel from the island. But that's a better excuse than saying I enjoyed that. Worry floods her when he gives her a nod.

"Here," she extends the cloth towards the blond and he takes it from her. "It's just a bit of water, you don't have to worry."

(F/n)'s eyebrows knit together, clearly not believing him and before she can say anything else, her phone vibrates against the island, causing her to silently curse to herself when the word 'BOSS' pops up on her screen. With a "Where the hell were you?" text beneath it. "I have to go." She had completely lost track of time and her heart thumped harshly when she realized it was an hour after the funeral time. Fuck.

Kurapika nods at her and stands, swiping away any food from himself, and says, "I'll walk you out." She didn't have time to turn him down as she hurries to the front door with Kurapika following behind her.

"Thank you for inviting me over tonight," she begins to slip her shoes on, "I'm sorry I couldn't stay to clean the mess, I promise to-" Kurapika interrupts her with a quick, dismissive wave of his hand. "You don't have to worry about it, I'll make sure the other three do their part since they're the cause of most of it." When (F/n) pulls her coat on, Kurapika holds out the book from earlier and her face warms up at the gesture. "You can keep it." The look on the blond's face told her that she couldn't turn him down, so she silently protests while muttering a thank you. "Just get to your destination safely and we'll call it even."

"Have a goodnight, Kurapika." (F/n) takes the book from him, holding it close to her. "And, thank you... again."

"You too, (F/n)."

With Kurapika holding the door open for her, she rushes down the sidewalk. When she was out of sight, he closes the door and turns around to be met by his much taller friend. "You're in love with her! I knew it! We knew it!"

This takes Kurapika by surprise. "We?" Covered in food and satisfied looks, Killua and Gon stand behind with their arms crossed and he sighs. "I may be fond of her, but I am not in love with (F/n)." Leorio huffs out and rolls his eyes. "Bullshit." Kurapika's jaw drops and he steps back. "Excuse me?"

"I said bullshit! Any person with a working brain cell knows that you're more than just 'fond' of her."

"We're not talking about this." Kurapika pushes past the other males and begins to collect the dirty dishes from the table.

"If not now, then when?" Leorio says and clutches a broom in his hand as he sweeps up the rice and other foods from the floor. Kurapika shakes his head.

"Let me rephrase, we're never talking about this." 

TAKEN »  𝐾𝑢𝑟𝑎𝑝𝑖𝑘𝑎 𝐾𝑢𝑟𝑡𝑎Where stories live. Discover now