𝚂𝚙𝚒𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚜 𝚘𝚛 𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚒𝚗𝚜

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"Let me go, you slick-haired bastard!" (F/n) huffs out as she struggles to release herself from the threads that tightly secure her wrists together behind her. The tight string cuts into the flesh around her wrists and she lets out a hiss. 

Chrollo glimpses over at her before glancing back down at his book. "I will eventually. I need you to make a decision first." Rolling her eyes and ignoring the other Spider, (F/n) looks around the room, trying to come up with something that might get her free. Her body seemed too weak for her to use her Nen, and she became frustrated with herself. 

(F/n) eventually looks back toward Chrollo and inwardly whines. She didn't want to play this absurd, little game with him, but if she wanted to get anywhere, she knew she'd have to listen. "And what exactly am I supposed to be deciding?" 

Chrollo closes his book slowly before setting it aside. Standing up, the leader walks towards (F/n) and clicks his tongue in disappointment. 

"I know you're acquainted with the chain user. Mind telling me what that's about first?" He uses his index to tilt (F/n)'s chin up so she was looking directly at him, "I'm sure you know that's an act of betrayal?" 

She knew it was considered betrayal, but she also knew that what Chrollo and her fellow spiders did was much worse. Sure, she willingly joined the Phantom Troupe and they treated her like family at first, but after finding out what they did to Kurapika's family, she didn't care if she betrayed them. 

Killing someone's entire family just for their eyes was fucked up, even for (F/n). 

"I'd rather eat glass and finish it off with motor oil. Get out of my face." She attempts to jerk her head away from his hand, but he keeps her chin in place and brings his face closer to hers. She could feel his breath on her face and it made her inwardly cringe. 

"If you think I'm going to tell anything about him, then you're crazy," she says and stares right into his brown eyes he doesn't look amused by her response, but she still stands firm. There wasn't much else she could do anyways; no matter what Chrollo tried to do, she would never give up what she had with Kurapika. The leader releases his hold on her chin, letting her head dip down to her chest.

Sighing loudly, Chrollo realized that he wasn't going to get anywhere with her. He should've known, she was always stubborn. Finally, he grabs the collar of her shirt, allowing her to stand. "It seems I've got to show you something," the brunette says and practically drags her out of the room before going down a familiar hallway. "If I can't get you to talk, then maybe this will."

Machi was standing by a closed door. That would explain these threads. 

She tries to think back on what he could be showing her. The only thing that came to mind was... "Chrollo..." she trails off, her blood running cold at the sight in front of her. Kurapika was tied to a chair much like she was moments ago, but he was shirtless and covered in gashes and bruises decorated his fair skin.

"What the fuck did you do to him?" (F/n) asks, eyes widening as she looks away from the scarred male. It made her sick to see that the wound that she had stitched up was reopened. It would probably have made her sicker if he hadn't looked so calm.

Feitan stood by Kurapika's left side, holding a knife. (F/n) swallows harshly as she attempts to pull away from Chrollo. This only causes the older male to chuckle, "you won't be going anywhere. Remember, seven, you still have a decision to make."

(F/n) doesn't answer and only pulls against his grip harder. Her stare switches when she hears Kurapika let out a pain-filled cry. She bites down on her lip when she's shoved into a chair, her heart beating rapidly in her chest. "Don't fucking hurt him," she threatens as Feitan hands the knife over to Chrollo. 

Her body trembles as Chrollo presses the cold blade to Kurapika's neck. A sob tears from her throat at seeing him pale. Her breathing quickens. The knife is pressed harder into Kurapika's neck. "I said don't," she tries to make herself seem calm, but her shaky voice gives her away.

"Chrollo-" Kurapika cries out and Feitan steps back. Kurapika's head snaps sideways when Feitan's fist collides with his cheek, causing (F/n)'s stomach to flip. Chrollo grabs a handful of Kurapika's hair and yanks it harshly enough that it leaves his vision white.

"Stop it!" The threads around her limbs tighten when she attempts to move forward. Chrollo chuckles, but his grip doesn't falter from the blond hair. "He's made you weak, seven. You used to be so self-centered. What happened?" 

"I think we all know why this has happened." Chrollo stares down at Kurapika and the blond stiffens but says nothing. "Tell me, how does it feel to see the person you love being hurt by someone else? Someone whose existence isn't even your own." His eyes shift back to her as he glides the knife across Kurapika's throat. "Someone who took your friends away from you?"

"You're a sick bastard," (F/n) spits out and stands from the chair. Her head spins and a cough leaves her throat. He wasn't threatened by her at this moment. She was drugged and attempting to use her Nen would end up being useless. "And yet, I'm not the one who killed them."

The knife was pressing harder into Kurapika's flesh and (F/n) winces when it pierces the flesh.

"Now, tell me Seven. Would you rather stay with us and let him live, or die here a traitor alongside the chain user?"

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