𝙳𝚘𝚗'𝚝 𝙻𝚘𝚘𝚔 𝙱𝚊𝚌𝚔

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A quiet sob rips through Kurapika as (F/n) attempts to patch him up with the fabric from her now torn shirt.  "I'm so sorry, you shouldn't have been dragged into this." She whispers, continuing to try and wipe away the blood and dirt from Kurapika's face.

He was an absolute mess with blood-stained and torn clothes and purple and black bruises that decorated his skin. She tries to put more pressure on Kurapika's wound but he flinches at the sharp pain before letting out another sob. "It's okay, I'll be fine." He replies quietly giving her a small, sad smile.

Chrollo had left, deciding he would give (F/n) time to choose. How considerate of him. She thinks sarcastically. Machi and Feitan were left to stand guard outside the door, leaving (F/n) and Kurapika alone. Neither of the two Spiders wanted to be in the room with them any longer than they had to.

He looked at her once again giving her a smile, which she returned. "I'll get you out of here," Kurapika's face pulls into a look of confusion, "what about you?" He asks in a serious tone trying to sit up only to winch in pain.  "I'll manage," she says after letting out a small sigh, "my nen is back, so I should be able to distract them long enough for you to get away from here. I don't know what that bastard's problem is. He could've easily killed you, but he's playing with our fucking feelings." The corners of his mouth pull down slightly in disgust at the very thought of Chrollo.

(F/n) moves to the boarded window, pulling at the wood. She wrinkles her nose when it doesn't budge, if she tried to remove it forcefully, it'd make too much noise. Kurapika manages to stand, holding the piece of (F/n)'s shirt to the open wound on his stomach. "You're choosing to remain as a Spider to keep me alive." "It won't matter if I choose to keep you alive, he'll kill you either way." She snaps as she slowly becomes frustrated.

"And is that so bad?" the blond simply asks causing (F/n)'s eyes to widen and she turns to look at him. They stare at each other for a few seconds before (F/n) turns away. "I"m not going to get you fucking killed," She grunts pulling against the wood one last time. "Say something like that again, and I'll kick your ass again."

He couldn't tell her emotion since her voice was monotone now, but Kurapika can't help the small smile on his face, knowing the girl wouldn't actually do so. "Are you sure you want to stay behind? I'd like for you to come with me. We can go somewhere far away. Somewhere that they won't be able to find us."

She doesn't turn to look at him this time, "that doesn't sound too bad, honestly. I'll think about it." Kurapika nods, "okay."

(F/n) glides her hand across the dusty boards, gathering said dust on her skin before taking a deep breath and using her nen to slice the boards one by one. She hears Kurapika let out a grunt beside her when he finally approaches. "So you use your nen to make the dust into a weapon," he mumbles in slight awe.

(F/n) ignores the words of admiration and says, "Chrollo will be back soon, it's best to get you out first. Kurapika sighs and allows the Spider to help him through the window. He grunts as a piece of broken glance pierces through his skin.

It stings, but he doesn't complain. "Thank you," he whispers as he moves to the side, allowing her to climb out as well. "Don't thank me yet, we still need to get away from here." Her feet hit the ground and she lets out a light huff. (F/n) takes in her surroundings, trying to pinpoint where they were. She was familiar with the area and relief flooded through her.

"Let's keep going before they realize we're gone." (F/n) starts forward. Kurapika follows silently beside her. They didn't say anything to each other as they walked through the empty streets. She stops suddenly when she sees a figure turn the corner. (F/n) feels Kurapika tense next to her and reaches over, placing a hand on his shoulder and motioning for him to wait. When the figure gets close enough, she recognizes the man standing before her.

"Hisoka," she says in slight disbelief, "what the hell are you doing here?" The male tilts his head to the side slightly, "I was actually looking for you," Hisoka simply states with a shrug, "what happened to him?" The magician nods his head towards Kurapika, noticing the terrible state the blond was in.

"Chrollo's crazy ass decided to play one of his stupid decision games." This causes a chuckle to pass through Hisoka's lips before saying, "that does sound like something he would do. Are you sure you can walk on your own?"

"I'll manage, but we need to start moving," Kurapika gives a nod despite his heavy breathing as he continues walking, "we can't stand in one place for too long."

(F/n) walks alongside the blond while keeping an eye on Hisoka as he leads them deeper into the city. "Why did you come looking for me?" she questions, glancing behind her to make sure they weren't being followed. "Well, I wanted to see if you were alright," he says, shrugging, "but I suppose you weren't the one I should've been worried about."

"How'd you even find us?" (F/n) asks while raising an eyebrow.

Hisoka hums, watching as Kurapika walks ahead of them. "I followed Illumi after he told me that Chrollo wanted him to use Illumi's nen on you," he pauses and stretches his arms above his head, "probably to get you to talk or something." This confuses the young woman.

"Talk about what? I'm not hiding anything."

"I don't know the details, it's just what I assume." He answers, shrugging once again while raising his hands, "he seemed quite interested in the fact that you and the chain user seem to know each other pretty well."

(F/n) lets out a small laugh. "He probably wants to know everything that's happening between Kurapika and myself. He must think that I'm betraying the Troupe." She scoffs.

"That may be true," Hisoka agrees, turning to face her for a moment before returning to walking, "though it is technically an act of betrayal." A smile tugs at the corner of his lips before asking, "

Kurapika focuses on the conversation, listening closely and waiting for (F/n)'s response. Hisoka raises an eyebrow, waiting for her to reply, but nothing comes and they're once again walking in silence. The only sounds were the footsteps, the occasional animal, and other people living their lives.

"You two can stay at my place. Chrollo won't expect you to be there." Hisoka speaks suddenly

"That's actually nice of you," (F/n) replies suspiciously, "what's the catch?" Rolling his eyes playfully, Hisoka places his left hand on her shoulder. "No catch. I just don't want
either of you dying just yet."

"That makes me feel so much better. Now let's hurry the hell up and get away from here."

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