𝚃𝚒𝚖𝚎 𝚆𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚊 𝚂𝚙𝚒𝚍𝚎𝚛

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"Thank you." Sipping at her tea, (F/n) savors the taste of hibiscus, mint, and lemon. It smelled as good as it tasted and it warmed her insides. Kurapika sits places down a few pieces of toast, along with butter and a variety of jams on the table before sitting across from her with his own cup of tea. It was chilly in the house, the lack of heat was getting to her, but she didn't mind it when the heat of the cup warmed her hands.

"You're welcome," Kurapika hums out, enjoying his tea as well. The aroma fills the air, clearing both of his and her senses. He visibly relaxes in his seat, the pain from his newly stitched stomach eases, and the corner of (F/n)'s mouth pulls into a small smile.

To anyone else, they looked like a young couple enjoying the day, but in reality, they were barely friends with their own secret hatred for one another. They didn't know that, though.

(F/n) grabs a piece of toast, smearing a bit of butter and grape jam on it before taking a bite. "This is really good," she compliments and a pink hue dusts itself across Kurapika's cheeks.

"Thank you, the jams are homemade." When the words left his lips, Kurapika felt his heartstrings pull. Whether it was due to the compliment or considering the recipe was from his clan, he didn't know, but he didn't allow his feelings to show. "You can take some home. I have plenty to spare."

(F/n) didn't have to think about it and she nodded with a smile, "I'd like that." She takes the final bite of her toast, chewing it when her phone goes off.

Irritation flooded her veins and she takes her phone out as if it was a dirty napkin. She almost flared her nostrils when she saw Chrollo's name on the screen and a very charming text under it.

I hope you're busy, Seven. I'll be suspending you from the search.

Suspending her from the search? That sounded just like that asshole. She swallows her insults- those would have to wait when they were face to face- turns her phone off, and pockets the device.

Kurapika could tell by (F/n)'s facial expressions that she was irritated and upset. "Do you need to go?" (F/n) missed the disappointed undertone that laced Kurapika's question and she shakes her head. He didn't know why he wanted her to stay, but he did.

"Nope," was all she said before finishing her tea. The fingers on her left hand tighten around the fabric of her pants, allowing pain to ripple through her wrist, but she doesn't wince.

"Would you like anything else?" He seemed to cheer up at the singular word, knowing he'd get to spend more time with her. "No, thank you. I appreciate it, though." Kurapika only nods before taking the dishes to the sink and begins washing them.

"Let me do that," (F/n) says, now standing beside the blond with her hand extended towards him, "I don't want your stitches to open." His grey eyes meet her (e/c) ones before shaking his head. She was worried about him? Though it should've been a given when she stitched him and cared for him the day before.

"I'll be fine," he states, rinsing the cups under the hot water. She leans against the counter and her eyes wander around the kitchen, clearly wanting to do something other than stand around. She notices something crawling across the floor, the familiar shape of a spider scurries along the tiles.

Bending over, she scopes the arachnid into the palm of her right hand. "What's that?" Kurapika asks, turning around as he begins to dry the last plate. (F/n) walks towards the front door, cradling it as if it was a baby. "Just a spider!" She calls out before letting the bug jump off her hand and onto one of the vines that hung across the outside walls.

Kurapika's hands clench around the plate, his grip only tightens. There was no way this was happening. It's been so long since he's lost control over a mere insect. The white plate shatters in his hands suddenly, but he doesn't let go. His body felt hot and it seemed as if he was shutting down.

(F/n) walks back into the room, her eyes falling on the blood that decorated his skin and the shards that stuck out. She noticed he was staring at the floor as if he didn't know she was standing there. "Kurapika?" She questions, stepping closer before she watches him drop the broken remains. It doesn't stop him from clenching his fists, only allowing the glass to dig into his skin. "Stop it."

Her words go unheard when he falls to his knees, tears falling down his cheeks and he lets out a choked-out sob. This was a much different reaction compared to the one he had at the hunter's exam. She leaves the room and returns with the first aid kit, wondering what could have made him react this way.

She moves the glass away with her socked foot before kneeling in front of him to grab his hand. He smacks her away before shoving her backward onto the floor. She gasps looking into his now scarlet eyes, ignoring the new pain that shoots through her hip. Her ribs yell at the sudden movement before punishing her with their irritations. He raises his hand, wanting nothing more than to squash the bug.

She locks her legs around his waist before rolling him over, now straddling him. "Kurapika!" She screams, not knowing what to do, "calm the hell down!" She pins his wrists above his head, careful not to push the glass any further into his skin. "It's just me!"

He thrashed under her, tears rolling down his cheeks as he stared into her eyes. "Listen to me, damn it! You're safe!" She takes a deep breath, holding him firmly against the cold floor. Screams leave his lips, occupied by the occasional sob. Her heart aches at the sight and she watches his eyes fade back to grey. She lets go of his hands, pulling him up and close to her chest. "You're safe," she repeats. "It's just me, you're safe."

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