Darkness Overcomes The Light

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Brunette Female
I have just left work and now walking towards my car. I hear a voice from behind me and turn to see him walking towards me I smile as he walks in my direction. That was the last thing I recalled as I blink my eyes open and can't see a thing. I feel cold and have no idea where I am at. I hear noise and rattling around and a screaming that causes the already pounding in my head to intensify. I suddenly hear someone ask a question and hear them ask if someone is okay? I feel hands checking my wrist and feel them touch my neck. I try to move and can't at all. Suddenly I hear she has been attacked we need to get her to the hospital. I can't answer the questions I am being asked. I only know I am alive, but barely according to someone. How am I feeling on my wrist and neck and no other places and why can't I answer questions or see.
I am working in the ER when a brunette is brought in and she has been attacked brutally. Someone found her in an alley way sitting up against a wall with a note pinned to her blouse. Keep looking into our business and next time she is dead. She has no ID and nothing was found. We had to check her for sexual assault and unfortunately she was sexually assaulted. We had trouble trying to get that across to her. She couldn't see feeling in places was gone and speech was gone for now. So she is unaware of what is going on. We do the rape kit and photos first and then have scans taken, whoever did this damage to her knew exactly what they were doing, because the injuries were done in such a way that they impaired her without killing her so they had some specialized training. She was her 24 hours when a man in uniform came looking for his daughter Anastasia Steele. How he found her is beyond me, he shows us photos and it is his daughter. She is in the ct to check out her brain.
Raymond Steele
I got a heads up about my daughter being injured and dumped into an alley. The person who did this to Anastasia was the one who called me and informed me what he had done to her and next time she will not be alive if we don't stop investigating him. I pull out the antidote to the drug I know they gave Anastasia. I wait until all is clear and give her the shot. I was given the drug by courier who also delivered a message as well. I was given a choice to save Carla or Anastasia. There was no real choice to make my child comes first. Let Carla's no good pedophile husband save her. The only good thing about Carla is Anastasia. He sat and watched as Anastasia responded to the antidote. She could finally see and move and finally speak. I explained what had happened and that we couldn't keep investigating the case we were given recently. This was their warning to stay away from investigating them.
Three days later Carla Steele was brought into the morgue after finding her dead by her car. They had no idea what had happened to her. An autopsy was inconclusive. Raymond had tried to find her before she died, but couldn't locate her at all. Funeral arrangements were made for Carla she was buried by her parents. No one eLse attended the funeral but me and Anastasia. We watched as the casket was lowered into the ground and we left when they started covering the casket in dirt. That is more than we would have gotten from her. Anastasia cried and we went home. We stopped the investigation and gave the person their money back and destroyed everything we had on the person.
The hospital has all the evidence on my rape. I took the morning after drug just in case and they checked me for any STD and AIDS. Apparently they used a condom so no sperm were present. But other things were found, like hairs and skin under my nails and blood. Dr Grey wanted to find out more about my quick recovery. The scans showed no reason for my symptoms. We couldn't discuss anything about why I got well so quickly after my dad arrived at the hospital.
Dr Grey
The whole team that worked on miss Steele couldn't find a reason for her symptoms and then as soon as her father arrived she miraculously recovered. We all believe they know more than they are willing to tell us and they don't want to discuss it any further. She won't press charges and we have tried. Her testing has been good and she is clean of any STD and aids.
Neurologist Aaron Smith
There are no reasons on her scans for her what is going 9n with her physically. This has me puzzled and I ran some tests and something came up in her blood work that I have never seen before now. Soon afterward she recovered and was released before we could do any more testing. I have called and called for her to come back in for more blood work. She finally answered my calls and said she would come in for blood work if I could tell her why it was needed and I couldn't give her a good reason, so I had someone have her come back in for another aids test and I had them get me a tube of blood as well. I will find out what is going on if it is the last thing I do in this life. Nothing like this has come across yet path before and then just clears up as quickly. I am starting to think someone created a neurotoxin and an antidote to it. But I can't pinpoint it or the antidote. I am unable to get any clear answers from the young lady bout it. She apparently recalls seeing a friend walking toward her and then waking up blind and paralyzed and unable to speak.

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