A Winter Snow Storm

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Mia is snow bound and Graham has tried renting snowmobiles unsuccessfully, so he trying to get us to help them out of there. Raymond and Taylor are my go to people to get things done. They rented four vehicles and bought a lot of winter gear to go after our adventurers. Apparently they go on adventures, but they don't have any emergency equipment on hand at their home in case of this type of emergency. So we have to get those things as well. Elliott is on his way with some equipment he has close by. A generator that he can the electric back on at their house.
I have emergency equipment, but I think it is too late to try to save the water pipes, we can just do what we can and everyone needs to bundle up and go stay with Anastasia and Christian because he had those extra homes and guest rooms. All have emergency supplies and emergency everything else. Graham is a genius at IT, but he has no idea what to have in this kid of thing. I guess he never had to worry about any of that being raised by wealthy parents whose staff took care of it all. Christian hired Taylor and Taylor made sure they were prepared in any and all types of emergencies.
All of us are huddled together waiting for help from our family. I feel useless as a protector and as soon as the electric went out we found candles and flashlights. I tried my best to keep a fire going. The CPO finally got the fire place going and brought in a lot of wood. He tried to make sure the pipes would be okay by turning the water off at the main valve. He found extra blankets to insulate the pipes. So all of us are sitting by the fireplace, he got two fireplaces going and luckily the house was gone over by Elliott and he insulated everything he could and made sure everything was sealed up tight. I hug Mia tightly to me. Christine and Stephanie are close to us and the staff is keeping the other fireplace going.
I am nearly setting my pants and they finally arrive and Elliott and a few of his crew get two generators going and they get the heat going along with the electricity and we still need to wait until the house is 2arm enough to get the water very slowly working again. I make to the bathroom just after Stephanie. I guess we need to learn about emergency preparation just in case. Elliott, Taylor, Raymond and Christian are all here. Elliott brought men with him and so did Ray, Christian and Taylor. So we had electricity from generators in no time. We had winter clothing and boots for all of us and wearing them until they got us up and running again. Christian brought in food and drinks for everyone thanks to my catering business. They stopped in and picked it up. So the meals that we couldn't get delivered because of the snow became our food supply. We of course refunded all the money.
Three days later the electric was bag to full functioning and all of us learned how to work a generator that were adults. We also were given a list of emergency supplies to always keep on hand in case this happens again. Christine took charge of any of the rescheduling of the events that had to be cancelled and hired temporary staff to help with duplicate events. I am glad Graham hired her.
I love that I married into this family and found my dad and sister. This situation is why family is important and friends. We can never take family and friends for granted again. I love you Mia and starting to love our family and friends for being here when we called even though they put themselves in danger to come help us out of this situation.
They have always been there when I needed them and I tried to be there for them as well.
I say goodbye and Taylor and I ahead back home to our wives. His daughter is arriving next week for Christmas. We finally got him holidays for visitation. His wife has been a holy terror since Gail and he are married. She used his marriage to Gail to stop visitations until they did a home study which took a couple of months to accomplish and have the court rule on it. Then she wanted more child support from him now that they had two incomes. Of course every time Sophie came she needed new clothing and shoes. So a lot of the visitation was spent trying to get clothing that would actually fit her. Dad told Taylor to start taking photos of the clothing Sherry sent and put on her so they can see what was going on with Sophie. Mom told us to have her taken to a Seattle pediatrician and get her seen, because mom noticed Sophie was losing weight. The pediatrician recommended a child psychologist see Sophie immediately and he recommended that Taylor get full custody of her immediately. He sent them for second and third opinions on this matter and all three concurred. Dad recommended a top attorney to get full custody of Sophie. I hired the guy immediately and made sure we got the best doctors to testify about Sherry and her male friends abuse of Sophie. Six months later they took away Sherry's parental rights after she left Sophie alone with a couple of her male friends. Sophie was found hurt and crying hiding on a porch two blocks from her home. She had a broken arm and a broken leg and ripped pajamas. The men had tried to rape her, but were unable to.
I wanted to go kick Sherry's butt along with Gail after seeing how badly Sophie was hurt a broken leg and arm were nothing compared to the broken child laying in the hospital bed. The bruises were awful and those were the new ones.
I want to kill those men and definitely her so called mother. Taylor thinks that Sherry is taking her hate of him out on Sophie. He says he should hate her for her cheating on him every chance she could. Plus she was able to get more child support because of our two incomes and she had been putting clothes way too small on Sophie. We bought her clothes and she always came back with the smaller clothes. We think she took them back and got the cash or sold them. Finally we just sent the one outfit with her. Then Sherry would threaten to call the attorney. We told her to go ahead and then we would show proof of the clothing we sent her back home with and she would be shown as the liar that she is. Plus it would show that she stole the clothing we bought for Sophie. We finally got full custody after Sherry was arrested for child endangerment and neglect a bunch of her neighbors testified against her and her treatment and care of Sophie.

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