Settled Among The Scorned

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Nothing worse than a scorned woman, but five scorned women. After Georgia and Enid, Ingrid was brought to Seattle and Susan Welch and Tammy Davis all wanted a piece of Eamon. Georgia got what she asked for including helping Ingrid get child support for her daughter and son. Edward and Linda had DNA tests and they were Eamon's children. All the women were given the homes they lived in. But  only two were given monthly incomes to live off. Eamon walked away with his home and a car. He was still allowed to work at Kavanagh Media and given a salary now.
I can't have a baby go without knowing it has brothers and sisters and I set up a trust for Ingrids children. Eamon lied to her about being married and she was far too busy to check it out. She finally found out when the second child was born and she tried to get hold of him. So I allowed the ladies to keep the homes and forced Eamon to sign them over to each woman. After all all his lies created these situations and they deserve some compensation. He is lucky I am allowing him to keep his car, home and job at Kavanagh Media. Carrick said I was being too generous and I could easily keep everything if I wanted. But I think the five women were lied to regularly like me. Plus without Georgia coming forward I wouldn't have the evidence to implement the prenup agreement. Kate and Ethan met their siblings. Kate called her father a dirty old man. The children weren't even five years old. I knew something was going on in Portland. But it stopped no long after she got pregnant with number two and gave birth. He has never seen his second child with Ingrid. She has been aware of his lies since she called his phone and Kate answered it and told her he was married. Kate informed me about the calls, but we couldn't get his phone after that. So I got sick of his accosting young women and set out to find out what he has been hiding from us all. Ray Steele suggested using his daughter to entrap him and it worked. Now that is a man who treats a woman right. Too bad he married a similar mate to mine.
Eamon is trying to play hardball and he has no leg to stand on. He was moved out of all the women's homes. Enid had made him move out the day of the charity event. I encouraged her to close all ties to him. Georgia, Ingrid and Enid will be the only happy women when this ends. The other women are definitely mad as hell. You would think a nice place to live and a nice car would appease them, but they think they deserve palimony. I told them good luck with that, because he will have just enough to support himself and Ingrid and his two children. She is going after him in court for it along with back child support. Ingrid asked me to represent her in that case. I of course was a bit concerned but took it finally at Enid's urging.
The divorce took a month and we discovered hidden bank accounts and investments. Ray and Anastasia found a lot of hidden assets and safe deposit boxes. Enid hired someone to boss Eamon around at Kavanagh Media. Enid got three quarters of all personal property and eighty percent of Kavanagh Media her children got ten percent each of Kavanagh Media, since Enid's parents gave her the company as a college graduation present. When she married Eamon her father had an iron clad pre up drawn up to prevent Eamon from getting half of everything. He got none of the company or assets if he cheated and boy did he cheat on her. Ingrid stayed long enough to get her DNA test done and her child support handled. Eamon delayed things as long as he could, but that turned out to be the worst thing he could do. They found more assets and properties. He was giving himself a huge salary, that changed immediately.
Eamon was a selfish greedy prick is all I can say. Barney found so much on Eamon and we handed it over to Carrick and Enid. We made ten thousand dollars off this job and Enid gave us a bonus and we started getting more jobs. Barney left us for GEH after Christian learned of him and his skills. Since we didn't have a contract he could leave us at any time. He made sure we had a replacement close in abilities to him.
Enid's divorce was in all the papers but hers until they announced it was finally over with and Eamon was now a lowly worker bee. Enid and I have become friends since we have had to work closely on her divorce. So we have dinner once in a while. Anastasia has moved into a place of her own to give me space and give her space.
Kate and I have went out to dinner a few times. She was upset at first at knowing she had two siblings, but she got to know them and their mother and she visits them on occasion now. Ethan met them, but isn't close to them. Their mother is close to Enid and vice versa.
I stole Barney from the Steele PI agency. I offered him the moon and he took it after a few meeting and giving him Carter blanch over updating all our servers and systems along with equipment.
I can't believe what Eamon had been hiding the papers reported daily on his hiding his children, assets, and his women. It was such a sad state of affairs.
I am glad Eamon is not my father, I had an inkling he was a cheater, because he came on to me and I threatened to inform on him to his wife.

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