A Drama Filled Day

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I am going to be released today. For some reason I got released. Now I wished I hadn't, because I didn't stay free for long. A van with big men dragged me into it and informed me that you don't cross the Lincoln's. I get set up for several f the drug related murders. And I can't prove I had nothing to do with them. So I am facing life in prison. Apparently the underwear they found in Stephen Morton's mouth were mine when took a DNA sample it took a while but they finally found it matched mine. So I am being taken to federal prison the one that Elena Lincoln is serving time in. This can't end well at all and I can't do anything to stop it.
I am told the good news, I can get my hands on that Constance Rogers and show her what happens to snitches. So far no one has found out what we are in prison for. They think it is for only murder. I am not allowed any communication with my boy toys. Their parents have made sure of it. I tried to get someone to slip a note to them, but they caught it and my privileges were suspended and mail and everything else is stopped for six months. I guess we still have friends out there in the world. It pays to have friends and access to neurotoxins. A slip of a wrist and a gift of toothpaste and toothbrush lotion with an added feature inside.. cartons of cigarettes expertly resealed. Shampoo , conditioner and bath wash all can carry a bit of things to rid yourself of pests. Connie is such a pest. Can't get close enough to her yet, so I have to figure out my next step.
A week later I get my chance I get the injection ready and I get the needle in and dose half of it, but she grabs it out and hits me in the jugular with the needle she succeeds in plunging and injecting in one shot. She and I go down together with our hands both on the needle.

The news never reported the deaths at the Federal prison of Elena Lincoln and Constance Rogers, they still can't figure out what type of drug was in the needle they found stuck in Mrs Lincoln's jugular.
I have found out that I am having twin girls and Graham and I can't wait. We have two months left before we have our babies. We announce the pregnancy at family dinner, but as usual Kate and Elliott can't get along and make life miserable for the rest of us. They were finally separated like two children. Anastasia had less trouble from little Christian being jealous of the new baby getting attention. He finally settled down when the mannies did something that made him realize his baby brother Teddy was going to be his playmate like Sophie and Stephanie and he is now a big older brother now. Even though he probably doesn't understand at this point he will at some point.
I better be ready for twin daughters, Elliott has volunteered to create a nursery for twins for Mia and myself. It will take almost the two months to complete and he is creating a play area for our girls as well. I kind of want something adventurous and ask if he can implement some different things into that Mia and I do into the play area. He is designing it with safety in mind, but adventure into it. We hired a couple of new chefs for Mia's restaurant and catering they specialize in vegan and gluten free and special orders for people with food allergies. Stephan will be showing them the new space to set up. Christine will be their bosses though. Food supplies will be kept in separate storage space and each has a sign on it. Employees are being trained on the new procedures and we hired extra people to work with the new chefs.
I don't Mia being under any kind of stress per her OB/GYN orders to keep my pregnant wife calm. We are in the last part of her pregnancy and and trying for full term twins. Christian wanted to get a few more people in to work for Mia, but we hopefully have a good boss in charge at this point. She can hire more staff if needed.
I visit Mia when I can so I can check her over, Graham says she is getting exhausted a lot and she has a little over a month to go.
Three weeks later I get a call at three am, the screaming I hear says it all. Mia is in labor and asking for me to come to the hospital. Carrick and I grab our clothing and head to the hospital.
Twenty minutes later my hand is being squeezed by a very anxious Mia. Graham is videotaping every second of his wife giving birth. Carrick refused to watch his grandchildren being born. So while Graham is finally having a male nurse hold the camera and getting the birth completely on film. Graham apparently is very secure to be allowing a male nurse film his wife having twins and getting the full view of the babies heads coming out. The more I hear and see the guy I get why he trusts him, he doesn't seem like he is into women. He has been flirting with Graham and the male doctors.
Finally after four hours later we have Olivia Ann and Deidre Grace Jameson is born and the video is done. Mia refused to allow the filming of her first breast feeding the girls. Both girls were healthy and weighed more than five pounds and were both 18 inches long and look exactly alike. They are identical and look like their father. Graham and to leave to stop in fighting at the restaurant. He was pretty mad, apparently three chefs don't work well together and they need a referee if Christine isn't there.

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