Carrck Grey

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I am sitting in my office and get a call from a California attorney. He has been asked to reach out to me. Attorney Daniel Sanders was the executor of estates for several families who died in the wild fires and it has taken this long to track me down. My brother and his family died in the fires and I am one of three relatives that are alive. I inherited a cash settlement after everything was divided up. The other two had the company appraised and bought my share out, so they could start running the company. They didn't know my name and didn't and he needs to test DNA to see if I am their uncle. Our last names are different and no one knows why. I tell Grace to set up for DNA testing an attorney from California called and we are having a DNA test done to see if I am an uncle. Plus I was left a third of the family estate.
I tell Carrick to have them call me to set up the DNA testing. I get a call from the attorney that the clients are already living in Seattle and they can come in for the DNA test, but they would prefer not to meet their uncle until it is confirmed he is their uncle. A lot of cloak and dagger around this. Mr Sanders asks me to recommend a place for a DNA test rather than my being involved in the test since I am married to one of the family members if he indeed is their uncle.
I apparently looked like my grandfather as well. Someone told me that when I was a teenager. Sanders calls me and we set up for someone to obtain the DNA testing without being there when our uncle is there. Shelly has an appointment with a new OB/GYN, she has to start new.
My OB/GYN home and office along with his family died in the fires as well. So did the father of my twins, I am sad about it all. His parents are trying to get custody of my twins saying I am an unfit mother. The judge threw it out of court and told them if they tried that again he would charge them with filing frivolous lawsuits. Then went on to tell them an unfit mother has to be a mother to be proven to be unfit a first time pregnant person can't be an unfit mother yet. Even drug addicts and alcoholics aren't proven unfit until the birth of the family. We decided to find the uncle we have never met. Plus after the harassment by Steven James parents to gain custody of my twins I couldn't take the stress any longer.
Four days later we have the answers and we are meeting our uncle. The Greys have invited us to meet the family at their Sunday dinner.
We are getting ready for the Conrad's to arrive, I have invited the whole family. Mom is living with us in a guest room. We bought the family orchard and having the employees stay on. Since dad died she needs someone to drive her to her doctors. We have invited Gail and Jason, the twins and Sophie are coming as well. A lot o& people are arriving today. Carrick was a bit concerned about the number of people coming to meet them, but they assured him they would enjoy it.
All I can say is that I am awed at the size of the place and the security involved as we arrive at the Grey mansion and large estate. Then I see the kids playing on the playground. They are having a bbq to welcome us to the family. I can definitely enjoy a cookout.
This place is great the cook areas on the patio is great. Carrick invites me to check it out. I offer to help him grill. He says me and all the other men will be helping with the cooking. The ladies do the indoor work we do the outdoor work. I have met Ethan and Kate Kavanagh who are the children of Enid Steele who is Christian Greys Step mother in law. Raymond Steele is his father in law. Christian and Anastasia have two boys about a year apart Theodore and Christian. Then Elliott and Christine Grey have a daughter Stephanie. Madison Trevelyan is Grace's mother, Shelly loves her. Carrick our uncle is an attorney and Grace is a doctor. When the Greys heard we hired Sheila as an assistant they were surprised. I told them we built in a dress and on the job morals code. Then they found out that Gia Matteo was our real estate agent and I basically told her if she wanted more commissions including our she would start dressing appropriately and stop hitting on all the men she is trying to sell to, because they think she is selling what she is showing them and I don't mean the properties. I think Kate and Ethan spewed their drinks at that comment. Madison found it hilarious.
I found out Grace is a pediatric surgeon and we could call her if we need anything. Twins are tricky. Christine and Mia realized we are the company they just signed a contract with. Sheila went and picked the contracts up for us to sign and delivered them back. She assured them she was working for us and showed her security pass and had me verify it as well. I loved the playground that Elliott built and asked if he could build us one for the twins. He agreed to build it and to check on anything else we could use done. We hadn't found a contractor to work on things we want at each site.
I have to say David Conrad looks a lot like Carrick, but looking at Shelly there is no doubt she is related to Christian. She is a female version of him.

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