Connie's Agreement

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I was taken aside and informed there was a death threat against me. I had to agree to certain things if I want to remain alive. One was complete restitution of all the money I stole from Grey Construction I explained my accounts were frozen. The people before me said they can access even frozen accounts if I sign the papers in front of me. I read it and sign it immediately. Then they understand I have pertinent information on the Lincoln's and all of their illegal activities. I give them all the things I know and I have evidence of everything on an encrypted USB drive in a safe deposit box. They already have it along with other items, they just need to know where the safe deposit box key is at and what bank it is at. The irony of all this is that I created a fake ID in Elena Lincoln's name and opened the box at the bank they do business with in line. That is how I found out more about their business transactions. These fools are worrying so much about getting the Lincoln's they have no idea what I am capable of doing even to people who loved and raised me. My loving parents found out the hard way. I was able to steal neurotoxins from dr Smith prior to the Lincoln's arriving and taking the rest of them. Luckily I am a genius and recreated the neurotoxins and the antidote within hours of setting up my lab. My parents were furious and insisted I destroy both of them. I am sick of being told what to do by people who bought me as a baby and took two needles and waited until they went to sleep. I made sure I was far away when they died. I chose a place that hid the shot mark and left with an already packed suitcase. To a hotel room I had checked into earlier. I was able to slip out and return to take care of my parents. I am hoping to kill the Lincoln's because they are the death threats against me. If I have to be here they definitely need to be here. Who knows how many babies and people they have bought and sold and molested and physically injured in their dungeons. I apparently inherited how to hide in plain sight due to being both Carla and Stephans child. I have been called insane and in need of psychiatric help or needing to be put in a mental hospital. First thing I am doing is escaping these fools and going to get the neurotoxins and showing the Lincoln's how dying from a shot of them feels. After all they ordered both my parents to death using them. My sister is another issue, she is still alive. I can't stand the goodie two shoes act from both my brother and sister. I sign the other papers and they insisted I read all of the agreements, but as long as I am free to leave this prison I don't care.
FBI agent Robert Hyde
Jack told me that she wouldn't read everything we wanted her to sign. I have to give it to Jack he knows people both good and bad ones. Terms of getting her off on these charges means we can open up the investigation on her parents murder. Witness protection doesn't protect you from all your crimes. We finally got the evidence against by opening up a dialogue with her co conspirator and he gave a statement and we definitely had her dead to rights on her murder of her parents, but we need to get her to give us all the evidence against the Lincoln's. We aren't going to mention her parents at any time. We are only exonerating on the embezzlement alone. And the kicker is that Grey construction just wants their money back and they will drop charges if she leaves Seattle. So there will be nothing to hold her on. But her life is at risk, this girl I am not trusting ever.
Three weeks later the Lincoln's are in jail and their victims are being cared for and taken home. Carlyle Lincoln was the real surprise of all of this. He was a minister at one point before he retired. Richards brother. He was the head of all of the human trafficking in the US. We stumbled onto that fact. We got lead after lead from the people who were holding the victims. All wanting to make a deal and in some cases they just wanted their family members back from the Lincoln buyers. Sadly some were injured and died trying to escape their captors. Others were ill and others needed psychiatric help from trauma. Babies were crying for their mothers and so were small children. Young men and women had unexplained marks on their bodies. The begged not to be taken to the dungeon again.
Jack Hyde
I watch as the news announces the arrests of Connie for the murder of her parents, then the arrests of three of the Lincoln family for human trafficking, pedophilia, child pornography and kidnapping. I am watching this when I look at my pregnant wife and smile at her. She knows the real me, but she also knows the evil I have rid the world of. Our children might have Carla as the biological mother, but they have me as their biological father. She treats all our children equally, even though mine tends to have a devilish streak in them they soon learned that they can't be allowed to explore that part of themselves any further. We have certain punishments that they hate with a passion. Any bad act require ten good acts to correct the bad karma and they are learning good acts makes them feel good and gets them cared about. Jack and James are playing with their brother Jacob. Shelly and I are home bodies and we have staff here on the property. I don't keep anything here on the property and no one knows about Shelly and the children. If I ever get caught they will always be taken care of. My family is the world to me. I can retire now, I just got paid cash for Connie, who is very much alive for now. John allowed the payment to go unquestioned. This  last payday was for my retirement. I have transferred all those offshore accounts into several trust accounts for my children and wife just in case. We live off a trust fun from my original job. John has never questioned me about how I know the things I know. He has gotten nice promotions over the knowledge I gave him and has saved a lot of good people's lives. Anastasia Steele was one of them. Graham Steele was another one. They have already did a lot of good in the world. Now I hope Jack and James can become good like I want them to be. Carla did have her moments when she was a good person. So all hope is not lost. I lean over and kiss Shelly and rub our twin daughters moving little hands and feet.

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