New Family Members

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Nothing like your sister screaming call 911 at two am. I am running around trying to find my stupid phone or even hers. I finally find it and find Shelly unconscious on the bathroom floor. I go unlock the front door and go check Shelly out, I am afraid to move her, because the way she is laying.
EMT Allen Stevens
I see the very pregnant female laying in the restroom with a frantic male asking me to help his sister. We place her carefully on a backboard after checking her pulse and vitals. We place a collar on her and check and see blood on her head and down her legs. We get her down the stairs and into the ambulance the guy is following us. I check to see if the baby is coming. We finally arrive at the hospital and they check her out and do an ultrasound. The babies are in a position where they have to be delivered by Caesarean section. They are identical twins and boys. She needs a head Ct, but the babes are priority according the medical directive she had on file at the hospital.
I called Kate, Grace, Carrick and the rest of the family after they give me the news. Shelly didn't make it. The boys had to be resuscitated upon birth. She had a placental abruption along with the head injury that caused brain swelling. Shelly wanted the boys named Alexander David and James Carson Conrad and that is what I am naming them. I ask Carrick to get me custody as soon as he can. I want to start adoption right away. Kate arrives just as I get to the nursery to see my nephews. I call Sheila and tell her to keep the office running for me until I can figure out things here at the hospital. I need to hire staff to help with the boys. She hired two mannies, but she was going to breast feed and that is no longer an option now. The EMT stops by to tell me that there was nothing anyone could do to save my sister, she was pretty much gone before I found her on the bathroom floor. They didn't think it would be a good idea to tell me they were trying to get to the hospital to save the babies. They were definitely right about that.
I arrive and Carrick is there handling documents for David and the babies are being held by Mia and Grace. Anastasia and Christian are there. I can see David has been crying. I stand by him as he signs everything Carrick is asking him to sign. He is adopting his nephews and he watches as the boys are finally able to take a bottle. I heard Mia saying that they just got off oxygen. The boys look a lot like Shelly. Two men are standing by in the room. They take the boys and change their diapers and place them in the bassinets. Grace and Mia are taking photos of the boys. I ask David if he has made the funeral arrangements yet?
I am signing papers and watching my new family members holding the boys and Kate asks me if I have made the funeral arrangements for Shelly. I can't think straight at this point. The EMT told me they knew Shelly wasn't going to live through the birth before we left the house. There was nothing to do but to try to save the boys. They kept her alive so the boys could be delivered. Kate asks me if I could use help with arranging the funeral? She tells me that the Grey's have a family cemetery and they definitely would want to have her buried in it, if that is what I wanted. I think that would be for the best. I don't want the boyfriends parents to try to get the boys from me. If I bury her in the place we buried our family they would know about her death. Burying her in the Grey family cemetery would be better.
Christine and I arrive at the hospital early morning after arriving from a trip to Disneyland with Stephanie. We got the message that Shelly died giving childbirth to twin boys. David is adopting his nephews and my dad is getting all the documents done immediately. The paternal grandparents have already attempted taking the boys from Shelly before she was very far along. She was going to allow them visitation, but now she doesn't want them near her or the boys. But now that she is dead I am never allowing them near the boys after the hell they put her through over the pregnancy and custody. She could have lost the boys.
I get all the documents I need to for David to assure he gets the boys adopted. He has custody of them now We got everything done quickly so he could make decisions medically for them. They insisted on DNA testing, thank goodness we have the tests showing he is her brother and my nephew and she is my niece. Talk about fortunate timing and documentation. Shelly had it put in writing that David would be left the child or children to him if she died at any point in time. She left her part of the business to him and her properties to her child, children along with her assets. Her share of the companies will be ran by David, but the profits will be put in a trust for her offspring. I had a notary come to the hospital to help with all the papers. I call a judge and explain why I need to get things done quickly and quietly and he agrees that it should be expedited and will sign off on all the documents regarding the custody and adoption immediately.
I go get one of the boys and hold him in my arms and Kate goes get the other boy. I had never pictured Kate holding a child. But I was very busy at the family dinners that I probably failed to notice her holding a child. I know she is dating David and they get along very well. I hear her ask if Shelly can be buried in the Grey family cemetery and Carrick says he will make sure to arrange it for David and Shelly and now the boys. At this point we have all our plots marked. It is a big cemetery and we added to it to assure the family has enough plots for the future.

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