Chapter 12. Puffin

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-Nor! Nor!!
The boy's eyes were filled with tears, as he shook his brother's arm desesperately.
The Norwegian man let out a groan, waking up from a deep and pleasant sleep.
-What's the matter, Ice?...
-M-Mr. Puffin is gone!
Norway almost glared at him, hugging a bunch of blankets. He hated to be waken up for such a stupid thing.
Denmark, who slept next to Norway, woke up as well. He ran his hand through his messy, spiky hair and let out a loud yawn.
-Icey? What's up?
For once, Iceland wasn't hostile to the Dane. Actually, he needed his help and comfort.
Before the light-silver haired boy could explain himself, his brother got up and stretched, tying the left side of his fringe into his favorite cross-shaped pin, as he bitterly spoke for Iceland.
-The boy's pet is missing...
Norway walked out the bedroom.
Iceland frowned at his brother's bitterness and looked away, holding in his tears.
Denmark noticed thd younger's tears and held out his arms in a empathic gesture. The boy hugged Denmark tightly and cried into his chest.
Iceland wasn't only worried about his black-feathered friend, but he felt horribly guilty as well.
It was his fault. He had left the window open, and it was him who got distracted by his Asian lover. Him.
-Hey, Mr. Puffin will show up soon, don't worry...
The Dane rubbed his nephew figure's back reassuringly. The boy just nodded, sniffling.
Denmark's face lit up, his deep blue eyes shining with a plan.
-Hey... You're friends with China's brother, aren't you?
Iceland blushed a little, nodding.
-I'm sure he could help us finding your bird, right?
-Well, I guess...
-Phone him and the three of us can look for Puffin, hm?
Iceland widened his eyes at Denmark's suggestion. Was he really willing to team up with him and Hong Kong?
-Norway will stick your axe up your arse if he finds out...
Denmark laughed nervously, rubbing the back of his own neck.
-Yeah, sounds like fun, huh? I know he will, but I want to help.
They heard soft steps coming right towards them.
-Just tell him to come here
Denmark winked at Iceland, ruffling his silver hair, like two kids sharing a secret.
Iceland nodded and sprinted back towards his room.
Norway walked back in, sipping the last of a warm coffe from his cup. He put the cup down and and took a book he started a few days ago.
-Hey, honey, I'm taking Icey around the city to find his bird
Denmark kissed him lightly, which was returned by the reading nation, along with a short nod.
The taller Nordic got up and started getting dressed.

-"Jesus Christ, Hong"
"Come to the hotel again"
-"Woah, you r seriously horny today, hm?"
-"xD Nah what's wrong?"
-"Freaking Mr. Puffin is missing. Stickyhair wants you to help us"
-"Pffft Stickyhair"
-"Denmark, u idiot"
-"Ik, but gosh Ice"
-"I nearly got caught by the old man. He thinks Im sick"
-"Sorry Hong ^^U"
-"Nah it's k"
"I'll brb"
-"Thx ily"
Hong Kong smiled at his phone. He knew how much did Iceland love those cute emojis he could type with the pinyin keyboard of his phone.
He stretched and got out of his bed, putting his phone back into his pocket.
He walked to the front door.
-Hey, I'm like, taking a stroll...
-Hey!! Weren't you ill?!
Taiwan was furious.
-Yeah, but I feel much better... Thanks to Teacher's tea~
He spun around to blow a kiss towards the oldest Asian. South Korea laughed.
-What the hell, aru...
-I'll be back later~
Hong Kong jolted off the house, ignoring Taiwan's angry yells.
He snickered, hopping down the streets happily until he saw them.
A small, soft, pale figure, dressed in a brown suit that went fairly well along with a white shirt.
Next to him, a much taller figure, not as pale, with golden hair. He was dressed in some dark jeans and a red shirt.
He waved at them, quickly approaching the two figures.
-Ni hao...
-Hej, Hong Kong!! -The Dane greeted energically.
Iceland blushed in embarrassment.
-Hei, Hong...
-So, shall we start looking for the puffin, boys?
-Hm mh -Iceland hummed with a nod.
They all started searching. Hong Kong told them about the secrets of the streets, some short-cuts and such.
It seemed nearly impossible.
The streets were wide and long, with a hundred places to hide for a not-very-big bird like Mr. Puffin.
Iceland was worried, calling for his pet out loud.
They all swept the streets in barely an hour, with no results.
-W-What if he's been hit by a car or something?!
-Icey! He'll be okay, we just have to find him...
-Hey, Ice, we'll find him...
The younger nordic frowned, staring at the streets and the cars that passed by.
It was breaking Hong Kong's usually iron-made heart to see Iceland like that.
He felt a wave of indignation hitting his chest, as he promptly got up and glared around.
-That's it!! I'm going to get help to find him.
-Yeah, my siblings will help me...
-But Hong Kong, what will we do meanwhile?
-Hm... Keep searching? You can like, come back to the hotel if you want.
The Cantonese dissapeared quickly, jolting through the streets.
He kept a small frown and a glare. Seeing Iceland upset was one of the few things that made him mad.
He loved Iceland.
And he wanted him to be happy at all costs.
He was running home, using a short-cut, as always. When he turned around a corner, he ran into someone.
He was familiar to him.
-Bloody kid!!
They both fell to the ground after the impact. Hong Kong rubbed his elbow, staring up at the adult.
He was taller than him. His hair was a dark blond tone, and his bright, emerald eyes glared at him.
He was dressed in a pair of jeans and a ridiculous "I love HK" T-shirt, a common gift for visitors.
The Cantonese boy facepalmed at the sight of the shirt, that particularly made him feel very embarrassed.


Denmark stared at Iceland sadly. The boy looked so upset.
He remembered his past.
Iceland had always been kind of a nephew to him, and really cared about him.
-C'mon... The little Chinese will find Mr. Puffin...
Iceland pulled away a little to glare at him.
-Oh, right, Cantonese, heh... -The Dane rubbed the back of his own head.
Iceland wiped his own eyes, looking down. He felt so bad.
Just as if the anguish were crushing his heart, he felt the horrible pressure of the guilty and te worry caging his heart.
He sighed, leaning against the taller nation.
He felt bad.
He needed someone's comfort, and even through he would hate to admit his weakness to Denmark.
The loud, dominant viking.
The one who hurted Norway the most in the past, and now the one who makes him the happiest.
But, after all, his uncle figure.
No matter how many times did they argue, they would still hold each other in their hearts.
-Icey, come on... Cheer up...
He didn't answer, still staring a few meters ahead.
-Hey, know what? I'm dragging you to an awesome store I saw in the tours!
Denmark literally dragged him to the store. He grabbed his arm tightly, ignoring the boy's complaining, and laughed, pulling him to a small, yet beautiful store.
The walls were painted in various shades of pick, from a red-ish rose to a pale pink, with white decorations.
There were many aisles with different kinds of sweets, carefully organizated to form a rainbow.
Jelly beans, gummy bears, jawbreakers, ice cream, blubblegum, candies, licorice...
A true paradise for the two sweet-lover Nordics. Their eyes shone bright, recalling past events.
When Iceland was a kid, Denmark used to take him to the sweet stores in Copenhaguen, where they used to spend both their evenings and their money. Sometimes they even dragged Norway along, to much of Iceland's joy.
Ah, good times.
Iceland's face lit up a little at the sight of the many sweets.
Denmark smiled at the lady behind the counter and spoke in English, slipping in some Chinese words he had learned.
The lady giggled, amused by the dorky European. She took the money Denmark paid her with and lead them to a delicate white table.
They enjoyed some chocolate and vanilla ice-creams, as well as some jawbreakers for Denmark.
Also, they couldn't forget to buy some licorice for the island Nordic.
They chatted for a while about little talks, usually about their opinions on the the city and such.
Iceland was regaining his trust in Denmark.
Soon, the ended up talking about Norway.
-How come you... are ok with me meeting Leon? I thought Lukas' word was your law
They both chuckled, trying not to get too deep.
-Heh, you could say it is! But still, I don't mind...
-Yup. Lukas doesn't trust your friend, that's all. He had always been that protective... I can't see anything wrong with him though
-Woah... Thank you -The boy smiled a little.- It's actually... reliable to have you right now...
-Hey, hey, Emil! What's happening to your toooough appearance?
-Aww shut up!
-Heh! That's my Emil again!
They laughed, buying two little bags of marshmallows.
Maybe Denmark wasn't as awful as an uncle as Iceland thought.

Oookay, so I couldn't find how to dedicate a chapter, but this one totally goes to  TheMusicalHetalian.
Thanks for the help!!♥

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