Chapter 16. Broken

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The startled Cantonese jolted up, shaking his adoptive parent's hand off his shoulder.
-T-Talk? -He said in a slightly nervous voice. He scolded himself mentally for showing emotions towards the British man.- About what?
He could feel China's wet gaze losing the golden shine that comforted him as a child.
He could feel Japan's worried gaze trying to comfort his lover, and begging Hong Kong to stay calm.
Not for the greater good's sake, as he was told to do painful things as a child; no.
It was all for China's sake. He had been weakening slowly, and the fight against England only tortured his nerves a little more.
The Japanese nation pleaded silently through his usually soulless stare, but somehow, Hong Kong could understand.
-About what?... -The Cantonese repeated, shooting a reassuring gaze at his older brother, the ponytailed man that laid on the couch, wiping his tears.
He wasn't a nation.
But he was a strong region. A region with his own culture and heritage, important enough to live apart from the country he was in, China.

-Hong Kong... Times are changing...
The velvet-soft voice of England tried to caress the Cantonese's soul as he lead the boy to the couch.
Japan took China into his arms and kissed him softly, wiping his tears. He carried the Chinese to his bed to let England and Hong Kong talk alone.
-I'll speak clearly... I have noticed the Nordics around here. Hong Kong, how long do you think it has been since they arrived?
-I-I don't know... A week... Maybe two.
-Maybe, but you're just measuring it in humans' time...
Hong Kong's eyebrow's furrowed in surprise, as cold sweat ran down his spine.
-Ten years, Hong Kong. It's been ten years.
-T-Ten years?! B-But it's like, impossible!! P-People seemed perfectly cool around us! -A light blush covered his cheeks, roughly calculating and adjusting the time measures to guess how many human years did his pleasant moments with Iceland last.
-People can only see us in specific moments... For example, if you talk to them. The Nordics vanished from the people of the hotel's minds as soon as they got to their rooms, only their room still showed as "taken".
Hong Kong shuddered more. His head felt light, and had to rest his back against the couch.
-The world is changing really fast these years... We must be around 2030. 2027, I think. Oh, I almost forgot, Iceland and the rest of the countries lived this weeks as the ten years they really were. One of the perks of being a region is it, not having to feel the years pass day by day.
-A-A perk... -Hong Kong was shooting a glare at a pillow, trying to focus on every little bit of information he was getting.
England continued:
-Many things had been going on. The human technology is getting stronger. They're changing this world we live in...
>> The Nordics came here to try and find a solution. It was Norway who planned everything about coming here, maybe he had just tell the others. Poor twats, thinking they were on a fun trip... -He shook his head.
Hong Kong gritted his teeth, thinking of how Iceland managed to keep him safe from such a painful truth.
-... Countries are allying, getting together to survive the changes... France and the Benelux, they form now the French Couronne. Spain and Portugal are the Unión Ibérica... The Russian Federation exists again...
>> The oldest countries have started to become huge deserts. People are leaving to the unions I told you about... They're better places to live... They're leading the countries that aren't making alliances, unless they're powerful countries.
>> Hong Kong... I may sound selfish and hypocrital... But anyway, you need to become a British territory again--
England sighed.

-So... Y-You just told me all that... Things that no one had told me yet... Just... Just to have power over me...
-No, Hong Kong... You're wrong... This is for your own sake... -He took out a form sheet.
-N-No... I-I won't... I'm staying with Teacher... I'll ally with him...
A shadow crossed England's face, who looked down and bit his lip.
-China isn't able to... ally anyone... His people left him, his government spent all the money trying to get them back. He is weakening... That's why you need to make an alliance with me.
-W-What if I prefer to die...?
-You can't. -He said sternly- Your technology and Chinese heritage are basic for the creation of a new world. Will you really let all the Chinese culture fade? You must live, as a living witness of the Great Chinese Empire... The Chinese Dynasties... The People's Republic of China...
>> Please, Hong Kong, please...
England stared up at Hong Kong. His eyes were teary, begging him from the bottom of his heart.
Hong Kong's glare softened. He couldn't be lying. He had never seen the British nation so worn-out.
Literally pleading him.

-Okay... I-I will... But only to make sure nobody forgets Teacher...
England's frown turned into a slight smile. He handed Hong Kong a pen to sign the form.
The Cantonese read it twice. There was no trick, no trap or lie. Only a request to save a beloved one.


-China-san... I-I...
-Shh... It's okay... You're saving Taiwan... That's enough, aru... -The Chinese smiled weakly, sniffling and caressing Japan's cheek.
Japan wrapped his arms around China, both resting on the bed. Thick tears ran down his round cheeks.
-N-No... W-We will go through this together... I-I'll send you money...-The Japanese' voice was quiet, almost a whisper.

China sat up on the bed, pulling Japan onto his lap. A small smile played around the corners of his mouth.
-Japan... I'm okay... O-Only a few people went away... I'll recover soon. Please, don't worry that much, aru...
The older nation pressed a soft kiss on the other's lips, playing with strands of silky, dark raven hair.
-T-That was what happened to Mongolia-san... N-No... I refuse... I refuse to lose you...
-You won't lose me... C'mon, Japan... Have you already forgotten our promise, aru...? -He wiped Japan's eyes, faking a little pout.
Japan widened his eyes a little, slowly calming down.
China didn't mind comforting a younger nation, even if he was in danger... or perfectly aware that all the promises he made could shatter onto the cold barrier that leads to death.
-O-Our promise..? -Japan tilted his head a little, taking control of his emotions and letting go of China to sit next to him.
-Yes... "I'll stay with you until bamboo turns pink, aru..." -He kissed Japan's cheek.
Japan smiled slightly, breathing out to calm down.
-Right... Right, the pink bamboo...
China smiled, curling up around Japan's waist, pressing soft kisses up his side.
-.. And that means I'll always be with you, aru...
The Japanese nation shivered and squirmed, jolting up at the soft kisses, and making his partner let out a giggle.
-You're still ticklish, hm?~ -China giggled, pulling Japan into a tight hug, kissing his sides more, even nuzzling his nose against him.
Japan laughed softly, blushing and trying to squirm away.
China stopped, laughing as well, and kissed Japan's cheek.
A soft knock on the thick, wooden door slapped them back to reality.

The teenager's voice sounded quiet, almost silent.
-Hong Kong, come in... -China smiled.
The Cantonese opened the door, his eyes fighting the urge to shed tears. He ran up to him and hugged him, muttering apologies in Mandarin Chinese.

China stroked Hong Kong's hair and answered to his apologies in Cantonese. He kissed his forehead.
A deep sea of sadness waved in their gazes.
-Did you... Did you listen to him, aru? -The Chinese asked with a soft, sad smile.

Hong Kong just nodded, looking down and finally letting his tears go.
-I-I'm so sorry, Teacher...
-Shh... You did well, aru...

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