The Speech

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Has anyone else wondered what Will's speech was at Halts wedding?

It's mentioned quite a bit in the books so I thought I might put something together, I pretty much wrote what I would say in Halt's place so it might be a little daft.

Will stood from his place as his turn came to make a speech. His throat was a little dry but he figured that was normal. What wasn't normal was all the townspeople and castle prims staring at him. He hated attention like this!

Will cleared his throat and looked at Halt, his mentor, father and saviour. He could do this for him.

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen." He paused and looked to where Gilan and Horace where seated nearby "and others" some laughs.

"I didn't actually prepare a speech tonight I just couldn't find the words to express what this day means. But I think I've worked a little bit out. Halt has been my mentor for just shy of 5 years. I remember hearing his first words to me "thought you might try something like this' I guess if he could read me like that then you can only imagine how hard it is to keep something from him now, let's say something like a wedding present"

he paused and looked pointedly at Halt who shrugged and called back "did you really think you could hide something there?" will sighed "Yes because hardly anyone would actually go into the middle of the forest climb 30 feet up a tree hang upside down and not set off the bear trap set underneath."

Halt snorted "Or you could just shoot an arrow"

Will rolled his eyes and continued "aside from that he has also been like a father to me, not the type who tucks you in at night and tells you how proud he is if you miss a shot but rather one who credits when credits due, who is there to lean on but not to carry you, one that know how best to let me succeed even if I'm ready to give up. I don't know what it's like to have a father or mother I never had that chance but I'm nearly glad I didn't, Halt has let me really appreciate what it's like to actually love someone to the point that you're ready to give everything for their sake. Halt did this for me and that was after less than a year of knowing me, he's that stubborn, pig-headed and loyal that he gave up his silver oakleaf a commission he has held for about 20 years. For me. I'm the luckiest man alive to have had the chance to be his apprentice."

He glanced at Halt who seemed to teary eyed, but will couldn't be sure Halt and crying doesn't really go into the same sentence unless there's a criminal involved as well.

"And whilst Halt has been my father Pauline seems to be my mother, She's way smarter than I am and probably most other men as well, she's kind and cheerful in her own way and doesn't let others lead her life. When I was a ward in this castle Pauline would come in and even if she didn't know what to do really with kids, we used to look forward to when she had those few hours of spare time. I've still got the bear she knitted for my tenth birthday" Pauline smiled at him even wider, she thought he had forgotten

"She's also able to beat Halt at chess which I am eternally thankful for" he ducked as something flew past his head "get on with it" Halt called out and will grinned "So even if we're not blood related I couldn't be prouder or happier if you wouldn't mind having me as your son, just like how I look at you both as my parents I can't thank you enough for what you have done for me and if you ever need anyone to lean on or help I'll be there. To Halt and Pauline" He raised his wine glass and smiled at them Halt nodded once in thanks and to that Will knew meant more than anything.

Okay so do you like his speech?

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