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okay so i've worked out all the ages of will gilan crowley and halt from reading all of the book although please not i will be refering to all the books in the ra and yearly years series not royal ranger or brotherband...yet. i'm pretty sure this is accurate:)

so in the ruins of gorlan will is 15 years old halt is 33 (i know wow!) gilan is 27 and crowley is 40!

i worked this out as wills age is easy they are chosen when they are 15 but also in the early years series halt is 18, gilan is 12 (he is taken as an apprentice when he is 14) we know will was born that year so 12+15=27 gilans age whilst 18+15=33 i also worked out that pitchard was sent out of the country after crowley had been a ranger for 2 years, pitchard spent 3 years in hibernia teaching halt so thats 5 years and rangers usually graduate when they're 20 or in gilans case 19 he started a year early so with 20+5=25 hey presto crowley is 25 years old in the early years!

now i'm not gonna say all their ages untill book 10 beside wills you can work that out or if you really need it just comment and i'll update:)

2. 16




6.21 (i've worked out that by the end of the book will should have been at least a year older than the start of the sorcera in the north!)

7.20 (remember book 7 takes place right before wills graduation so as i pointed out earlier thats 5 years of training so taking wills age from 15 to 20:) also when you look at all the facts like in book eight it is pointed out newly appointed rangers get a week before they have to leave for their new assignments and get to stay with their family so there is not a lot of time spent between wills trip to arrida and castle macindaw) 

822 (will thought he had proven himself in his 2 years as a qualified ranger to get a better fief)

922 (i don't think a whole year had passed from when the were in hibernia and when you look at the book it is set mainly around 1 week!)

10. will is 24 years old as i think a bit of time has passed since wills last recorded mission as well as the fact that horace had been in nihon-ja for some months! that gives us gilan now aged to 36 halts 42 and crowley is 49!!

11. i'm just gonna say how old will was when he got married because i'm not gonna disect another load of shortstories i'll leave that to yous:) now knowing will and alyss they wouldn't hae come out and said they where gonna marry aswell the next day to give horace and evanlyn some time in the spotlight also will would have had to work out what he did wrong and knowing will he'll probably either try to drag something out of horace halt or if his smart lady pauline on how to propose so he prbably waited till back in redmont before trying again all that aside at his weeding day evanlyn is already pregnant so they had probably been married for a few months. all that aside i'd be willing to bet at least a year has passed as royal weddings took a long time to plan and invite everyone so about a year all up it probably would have made will around 26 years old!

i know you're thinking wow but wasn't gilan not yet 30 when he went with the herons to arrida to stop the slavers and assasins but from my calculations that remark may have been a bit off as it is after the royal wedding and gil would have been at least 37 however when you remark on someones last age saying 'not yet 30' is way better than saying 'not yet 40' i mean no offence to anyone that age but to me (i'm only a teenager) 40 happens to be a bit old i mean my parents are in their 50's! :)

hope this clears a few things up i was just determined to get to the bottom of halts age but boy was i shocked when that salt and pepper grim faced jaded bad temered old ranger was only 33 in the ruins of gorlan!! stay tuned for more if you want a better detailed update let me know and i'll do your maths for you (just this once you can do your own homework!) please send feedback comment and vote i would love to hear people are acturally reading my stuff not just clicking on it!🏹☕🗡⚔🤨🥳 

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