the gathering snow fight

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"harrison" crowley called out amongst the assembled rangers. harrison moved over to join the commandants team "liam" halt called. they were at the annual ranger gathering this time in winter, right after it snowed... the logical solution. war. crowley vs halt 24 rangers each. they were currently choosing sides and gilan was instructing will on what was going to happen. "halt will choose you as it is like the biggest bragging rights if you end up on crowleys team and win ecspecially since this is you're first time and still an apprentice" will nodded made sense they continued to listen to the teams untill crowley decided to mess things up "will" 3 qualified rangers moved forward but he waved them away "no halts apprentice" they all gasped and will hesitated "come on halt can't kill you" halts eyes narrowed and he calmly laid an arrow on his massive longbow "i really wouldn't will" he said quietly  will gulped switching his gaze between the two men one with a massive longbow the other the commandant of the most elite force of military gilan poked him "get going what the worst halt could do?" will moved cautiously over to crowley eyes glued on his mentor who seemed to look at him with his best death stare  crowley smirked at his best friend who in a very dangerous voice replied "oh its on" he called out his choice "greg my team" greg graduated the year before under crowley  he made his way over crowley glared at halt a very dangerous glint in his eyes "traiter" he called to his ex-apprentice greg stuck out his tongue. the rangers laughed as crowley smoldered will wondered if the snow would melt around the 2 frenemies. gilan joined crowleys team aswell after that.

the two teams were aloud half an hour prep and planning before the war began. crowley had most of the team build walls up and store snowballs. the others will crowley gilan and harrison planned.

"so what should we do" crowley began will chewed his lip thinking "we could set snares up around the base to hang halts team upside down and helpless targets" he suggested crowleys eyes lit up "great idea" he called to one other passing rangers "terry get a few others and start setting snares outside to catch the other team" terry grinned "yes chief" crowley turned back "anything else?" gilan shrugged "not really" harrison asked a question though "what if we coat the snow with water it'll freeze and leave a massive bruise "crowley grinned like a school boy "we'll do a few not to many we can't injure em too much" harrison nodded and took off to prepare the hardened balls but will had one more idea "what if we make like a catapult thing?" they stared at him like he'd gone crazy "we have 20 minutes how are we ment to do that?" will grinned "i'll manage and i'll save it just for halt!" that decided crowley the taste of revenge caught him "alright... lets get em"

halts team had decided to play offensive rather than defensive. he had had his team spread out and surround crowleys base and to slowly move forward so far it was working! of course he just had to think that as a cry went up somewhere to his left he turned slowly to see the source but a few more went up "traps" he  muttered  cursing to himself. why hadn't he seen this they had will and even though he was an apprentice halt knew he was capable enough to make a plan that no one would consider it in their sane mind but will could and would pull it off. he felt a surge of pride instantly replaced by a feeling for revenge on his apprentice setting his mind he continued on ignoring the rest of his team he knew it was over there was no way he could win now but he wanted to get will for this so he will he decided!

will worked hurriedly joining bits of string and wood together stretching and pulling. he knew what he wanted to do so his hands did it until he had a small catapult. he had joined multiple buckets to one end and he got to filling them with snow packing it down so he could get more he knew the end jerking motion would send it out. now he waited scanning the forests as he heard the cry's as the traps were set off the air grew thick with snowballs but still will waited he knew there was no way halt could win now most of his team had to have been caught but he knew halt and halt liked revenge.

there. he saw a shadow flicker in the trees. he sensed it was halt. he followed it easily untill he was just in range he saw him pause then start to edge forawd if will hadn't known where he was he probably would have missed him. suddenly he had an idea he took a small package out of his satchel eyes still on halt he moved over to the snow packed buckets and emptied the entire thing into it spreading it around now when halt was hit he would be stained for day bright blue. 

halt was well into range now and will adjusted the machine he had built the war was mostly over now just a few stray snowballs were flying most of crowleys team was watching him he knew. he lined up the sight until it felt right and released the machine jerked forward and the dyed snow went flying halt didn't have time to get out of the way.

he stood there viewed by all covered in bright blue snow. "WILL!!" he shouted the rangers were all laughing now except will and halt. he had been pinpointed and halt was literally glaing daggers at him his small throwing knife in his hand. will thought it might be time to make himself scarce. he ducked amongst the other rangers and hid behind crowley and gilan "if he kills me i swear this is all your fault" crowley and gilan exchanged worried glances they had seen halts knife and knew no matter how much he loved will he would make him pay dearly for this stunt. "uhhh why don't you stay low for a while" will snorted "his my mentor what am i meant to do i literally sleep at the same camp like less than a meter from him" crowley shrugged "it was worth it i guess.." of course he was glad halts anger had been directed away from him although he felt sorry for the apprentice. he wondered what halt would really do?

halt did not get the dye off for nearly 5 days in which time will spent sleeping up trees and trying to avoid his mentor as much as possible. he was still terrified from the 'talk' halt had had to him about loyalty and he knew he would get halts full revenge in redmont when he least expected it halt had a long memory of course! crowleys team was announced the winner and got extra dessert and bragging rights. except will who knew better than to ever mention the events of that battle to halt.

alright people hope you like it i might try another on halts revenge not sure yet let me know if i should or if you have any more ideas. please vote or follow and check out my other books i am currently working on... rangers apprentice missing brothers....rangers apprentice and percy jackson crossover.... not sure if there are any more i can't really remember:)🏹☕🎿

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