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"your other left"

"i've only got one left"

"ow" gilan stepped back holding his foot and glared at will "what if that was alyss foot?" will shrugged "she probably would have thrown me over her shoulder or poked me into place with her dagger" gilan grunted "don't tempt me" he muttered will stepped back and held up his hands "woah you're the one who asked if i wanted to learn to dance" he pointed out gilan sent him a withering glare "if i knew you were this bad i never would have done it!" he exclaimed "besides didn't you grow up in the castle surely you had to learn at one time" will shrugged carelessly "i spent most of my time either outside or in the forests if there was a dance lesson i his till it was over and if there was an event i stayed in the back shadows" gilan raised an eyebrow while testing his foot and grimacing "well go find someone else to teach you i don't know why alyss wants to dance with you so much i mean its only you're wedding" will felt an evill urge "fine then i'll see if jens busy" gilan narrowed his eyes "don't you dare now lift your arm up no the other one now start 1,2,3,1,2,3 no not like that i thought you were light on you're feet you're a ranger for gorlogs sake" will looked crestfallen "exactly i'm a ranger i tend to go in stick my arrows in everything that moves and my knives in everything that doesn't i don't tend to dance with my captives" he grumbled gilan snorted "might be worse off for them if you did i think you acturally really hurt my foot i can feel it swelling. for one so small and light moving you have one heck of a stomp" will snickered

"how do you know how to dance so well pretty boy" he teased gilan flushed "do not call me that"

"oh you know i will it suits you so well"

"shut up before i tell halt"

"you know he'll agree with me i'm not his favourite for nothing" gilan growled "and why are you his favourite?" he demanded "because you're the dumbest apprentice he has" will said logically "but if i'm the dumbest that only leaves you!" he exclaimed "exactly you weren't having trouble counting that much were you?" gilan glared at him relising he had fallen straight into the trap "no matter i've got the looks anyway" he said smugly will snickered "alright pretty boy" the younger man turned around to call tug but he could pratically feel the daggers from gilans glare. they had made sure to leave their horses a long way away so they couldn't spend the next 6 months referring to it!

will let out a low whistle and waited. gilan did the same. and waited. and waited. they exchanged a worried glance they should have been here by now. 

"we should follow our tracks back i don't like it"

"i agree but i think i know something first" gilan nodded as will put two fingers in his mouth and let out a piercing whistle startlng the birds gilan clapped his hands over his ears "watch it i think you broke my ear drums" he moaned will shrugged cupping his hands around his mouth "oy tug i got some apples" he called gilan grumbled"great ranger tactic let everyone know within 3 miles that we're here" will ignored him.

his troubles paid off as tug and blaze burst into the clearing nickering greetings to their masters like nothing had happened they started talking to their horses casting furtitive glances at each other from time to time both hoping to remain undetected in their strange habit

"where were you"


"thats not an answer"

"apples" tug insisted will sighed taking an apple from his pocket it was gone in a flash

"good i'll tell you later" will grunted "of course you will" he mounted his stocky horse just as gilan did the same "you staying in the cabin?" he asked the tall ranger gil considered the question "yeah i will if you don't mind" will nodded "alright crowleys already claimed the spare bed and horace the couch so you can take either the stables or the floor" gilan raised an eyebrow "acturally i think i might stay with halt" will shrugged "no you can't alyss is staying there to be with pauline and to be able to get ready quicker tommorrow" gilan frowned "maybe jen will have a spare room" he said hopefully will nodded "maybe i'll let you sort that out i need to go save my coffee" he said as the intersection for the two places came up gilan nodded "hope it all goes smoothly i'll see you tommorrow try not to be late!" will turned a pitying look onto him "gil just because you may sometimes be late doesn't mean i will be" gilan glared at him "i am never late and besides it isn't my wedding" he added meaningfully will rolled his eyes "be seeing you then" he nodded and urged tug towards the cabin he couldn't believe that tommorrow he and alyss will finally be married!

rangers apprentice one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now