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Brad is getting to his job at 7 am. This would be the time where he would be waking up his daughters. He would then get ready for work, take them to school, then go back home to his wife until 9 am, and then head to work. He gets to his office and sees Renee sitting on his desk.

"Look, about last night..." Brad starts but gets interrupted.

"It was amazing. We should do it again."

"No, we can't. It shouldn't have happened in the first place. I have a family, a wife, a 14 year old, a 7 year old. If they found out, I don't want my daughters thinking that their husbands can treat them like I did my wife."

"You know you want to." Renee says untying Brad's tie. Brad doesn't stop her. He ends up kissing her. He is about to remove her dress when someone knocks on the door. Renee pulls her dress down and Brad ties his tie. Renee sits on a chair in front of brads desk.

"Come in." He says and is deprived to see his wife,Katherine.

"Hey, sorry to interrupt work. You just forgot your lunch." She said holding the tuberware containing the dinner he didn't have with his family. He must have been in a rush this morning to get to work so quickly, why? He usually dreads going to work because he can't see his lovely wife all day.

"Oh, I thought I grabbed it. Thank you." Brad says.

"Well, I'll see you at home later. You are coming home for dinner, right? The girls really want you to." Katherine says setting the tuberware down on his desk.

"I'll try. Love you." He says and gives his wife a kiss.

"Love you too." Katherine says and leaves. They both acted as Renee wasn't there.

"Lovely wife, I see." Renee says. "Now, let's get back to what we were doing." She says trying to untie Brad's tie but Brad stops her.

"No, I can't do this. Now if you excuse me, I have to get to the courthouse." Brad says and leaves.


It's 7pm and the family is having dinner, well Katherine, Natasha, and Natalie are.

"How was school today girls?"

"Good." Natasha says. Natasha has only been saying one word answers the entire day.

"It was amazing momma, I was the winner of dodgeball, I even beat the boys." Natalie exclaims.

"That..." Katherine starts but is interrupted by the door being opened. It was Brad.

"Daddy!!" Natalie screams and runs up to her father. Katherine adds another plate to the table for her husband.

"Hey gumdrop. How are you?" Brad ask Natalie as he picks her up.

"Good." She says and jumps down and runs back to her seat. Brad takes a seat between his wife and Natasha.

"How was school Natasha?" Brad ask Natasha. Natasha doesn't answer. She just gets up and puts her plate in the sink. She then heads upstairs and slams her door shut.

"What's wrong with her?" Brad ask taking a bite of his green beans.

"She has a mean friend that bothers her every month around this time." Natalie says and continues to eat her dinner. Katherine and Brad laugh.

"It's actually because you cancelled the movie." Katherine says.

"I'll go talk to her." Brad says.

"No, just give her time." Katherine says.

"Ok. I have work tomorrow."

"Tomorrow is Saturday."

"I know, but the case is a big deal."

"Ok." Katherine says and sees a sad look on her daughter's face.

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