Chapter 27

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TW: Sexual language, Rape, Blood, Violence! Please skip past this chapter if you are uncomfortable with the following concepts.

"L-Levian?" I shifted my attention towards him, eyes demanding an explanation. Though, there was a limit to what he could say for the situation to be justifiable in my point of view.

"Here you go again, talking all surprised. You've seen plenty of deceased bodies before, Y/N. This one is no different." He rumbled, a loud hiccup escaping his lips once or twice. Levian had been a family friend for as long as I could recall. When our 'secret' became far too unbearable to keep, my father exposed our dirty work to Levian's father, who shockingly agreed with our ideology in spite of having an evocatively conceited nature.

A few years have passed and upon my father's suggestion, Levian's household immigrated to France. Initially, they would visit on holidays, staying at our family's house for a few weeks until it was time to go back; however, in due course, our parents had become vastly busy to stay in contact with one another, resulting in both of our families' generational friendship to die out, like a flower with the absence of water.

I was at a loss for words, trembling at the sight before me. From my past knowledge of Levian, denial stormed my mind for I refused to believe he was the one culpable for such an atrocity. "What have you done?" My question dissembled in a brittle shakiness of my tone, neither yet perhaps both angry and anxious.

"Soften your tone, Y/N! You wouldn't want me to get caught, would you?" Levian fastly took a step towards me, shaking his hands in a noticeable 'halt' motion.

"Quite the opposite." I gritted my teeth, aggravated by his sole being at the moment in time. Disinterested in his further claims, I sped past him, approaching the body with hope in mind for the individual to move, even in the slightest, so that I could request for a medic. It was a male. Debile in complexion yet very tall. My heart ached at the cognizance of his facial structure. I had met him merely a day ago, during William's brutal training. I had spoken to the lovely soul laying at my feet, mentally noting the existence of his wife and three kids, all patiently waiting for him to come home after his brave mission- to protect my sister. The salty tears burned my under eyes as my fists clenched.

Levian's corrupt, selfish, desires bursting with degeneracy had led this man's wife to become a single mother and his children to be raised without a father. A loving family at once had become ill-fated.

Lossing control of my resentment, I turned my body as I ran towards Levian before striking him in the face with my hardened fists. He fell to the ground, caressing the stinging sensation on his cheek, "What the hell?!" His tone grew outrageously louder, as though positioning me to be the bad guy.

"You murdered a father of three children! A loving husband, whose wife depended on to feed their toddlers! Their offspring who will carry on their legacy! And you dare to speak in such mannerism! You are ridiculous, Levian! What the hell happened to you?!" I spat out, trembling with anger. Up until this day, my sister's wedding day of all days, I hadn't shed a tear embodied of anger. Up until this very day.

Silence followed my cries, soonly interrupted by his laughter, "And you, my sweetheart, are so inconsistent. If you are going to preach on family importance and the suffering loss they have to go through, at least think of all the families whose loved one had been murdered by your very hands!"He screamed at the top of his lungs, "Who gave you the right to determine their fate? Every soul on this planet is infected by the likes of sin, whether it be greed, pride, or wrath, but you are under no authority to play the justice card! You are a human and I have a feeling that you forget that."

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