Warm Bed

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Summary: It feels like Leia has slept in a warm bed since Han was taken away from her. Pre-ROTJ. Written for Han and Leia Appreciation Week Day Seven.
Rating: T (mentions of sex)

Their bunk was cold.

Leia wasn't quite sure when she started mentally referring to it as 'their bunk' instead of 'Han's bunk' but it had been a while now and she still thought of it as theirs even though Han wasn't here to share it with her. Han had been the first one to refer to it as 'their bunk' as well as 'their cabin' and it always gave Leia a girlish thrill whenever he said it especially after they'd just gotten away with having sex outside the cabin. Leia couldn't really explain why.

Whenever they were close together Leia always felt this warmth both external and internal and most of the time they were closest together when they were in their bunk even when they weren't having sex they still found themselves touching each other in some way and by the end of the trip had no longer needed to find excuses for doing so. Leia fell asleep in his warm embrace every night.

The bunks warmth had just become one of its characteristics like the Falcon's constant need for repairs was one of its characteristics. Maybe it actually was warmer than the rest of the ship or maybe it was just juxtaposition from the giant ice cube she'd been sleeping on for the previous few months but ever since she had started sleeping in it she had always always thought of its warmth.

Now the bed she always associated with warmth was as cold as her bed on Hoth.

And Leia knew exactly why. Because she was sleeping it alone.

It was at least better than her bed aboard Home One but being back on the Falcon again had been both a blessing and a curse as while she felt much more comfortable and at home here it meant that she was more aware of just how much she missed Han. It was his home and there was physical proof of his existence everywhere. Whenever Leia entered a room she could practically hear whispers of the past from their time together.

"You like me because I'm a scoundrel. There aren't enough scoundrels in your life."

"I happen to like nice men."

"I'm nice men."

"No you're not, you're-"

"You have your moments. Not many of them, but you do have them."

"Hey! Remember you said I'm the best sex you've ever had!"

"You're the only sex I've ever had."

"Still counts."

Leia had even found that her nicer nightclothes from Alderaan made of fine silks and satins weren't as comfortable as wearing Han's shirts. Leia had had to start wearing Han's clothes from practically day one of their trip even before they became lovers or whatever title you could give them.

When they had returned to the Alliance and Lando and Chewie had first began searching for Boba Fett Leia had snuck off one of Han's shirts and one of his jackets off the Falcon and onto her cabin so they could be somewhat of a source of comfort. It was probably incredibly childish, wearing her missing lover's shirt when she went to sleep and wearing his jacket during the day, but Leia was at the point of being beyond caring. Leia knew that people must have whispered, that the rumours would have become more crazy and that there was probably money exchanged between some of the rebels but again Leia was beyond caring.

What Leia did care about was getting Han home. Not just to the Falcon but to Chewie, to Luke, to Lando. To her.

After coming aboard the Falcon again to dedicate her time to Han's rescue Chewie hadn't hesitated to let her stay in the captain's cabin again saying that it's what Han would want and there was no way he was letting Lando sleep in there. At first Leia had tried sleeping in her actual nightclothes, that she had actually brought with her this time, but she had quickly abandoned them in favour of Han's shirts again which was probably part of the reason she had kept dreaming that she was sleeping in Han's arms.

Right now there was almost nothing Leia wouldn't give to spend the night in Han's arms again. She would even gladly go back to the last time they slept together in the suite that Lando had given them in Cloud City even knowing what awaited them in the morning.

Leia had lost so much in her twenty three years of life, more than some people had lost at twice her age, and she didn't think she was ready for such another massive loss to her. Wasn't that why she had held back on her feelings for Han for so long? Out of fear that she would loose him just as she had lost her family and Alderaan or that he would leave her and never return?

That was somewhat ironic she supposed as now he was gone and rather than regretting giving in to her emotions and sleeping with him the only regret she could really focus on was that she regretted not doing it sooner. At least they had the trip to Bespin. She would always carry those memories with her in her heart no matter what came next.

Still feeling somewhat cold in the bunk Leia had snuck out to make herself a hot chocolate in the Falcon's gallery. It was the same hot chocolate that Han had bought for her and Luke to help combat the ice coldness of Hoth.

Han himself probably would have been able to keep me warmer than the drink, Leia thought to herself somewhat amused as she carried her mug back to the cabin.

As Leia sipped on her drink while she sat back down onto the buck she remembered all the times Han had brought her a drink or all the late night conversations they had had together. They had had them back when they were friends but once they were together they were almost exclusively happened in this bunk. Leia remembered telling Han about her family, she remembered Han telling her about his adventures with Chewie and she remembered him comforting her after her nightmares. It may not be anything galaxy changing but those memories were so precious to her.

He's not dead, she reminded herself firmly. He's still out there. There's still hope. I can't I won't give up on him and the life we can share together.

With that, Leia downed the last of her hot chocolate, slipped back under the sheets and went to sleep.

Story Word Count: 1090
Published: 14/08/22

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