The Honeymoon

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Summary: While on their honeymoon Leia compares it to the trip to Bespin and the fundamental difference between the two trips. Written for Han and Leia Appreciation Week 2022 Day 1 Prompts "Commitment/Honeymoon".
Rated: T (mentions of sex)

Leia leaned back against Han's chest as she continued to take in the beauty of Naboo's lake county.

Leia had always loved Naboo's beauty though in her heart it didn't compare to the beauty of Alderaan. However beaches were rare on Alderaan, with the only one Leia had ever been to being the private beach outside the Summer Palace, so Leia found herself enjoying the many on Naboo including the private one outside her and Han's villa. The villa really was so warm and lovely Leia decided that she should talk to Han about them buying the vila rather than simply renting it.

Leia glanced behind her to see that Han was still sleeping peacefully while his arms were wrapped around Leia's waist. She reached over and moved a stray piece of Han's hair back into place.

Leia wasn't really surprised that she still loved Han after all these years but what she was surprised by was by how much she still found herself rejoicing at in her relationship even with small things like the beauty of watching Han sleep or how safe she felt when his arms were wrapped around her.

It had been the trip to Bespin after their escape from Hoth where Leia had first experienced theses feelings of joy over the simplest of things with Han.

Leia supposed that the trip to Bespin was very similar to a honeymoon what with all the uninterrupted sex she and Han had as well as the late night conversations they had together where they shared secrets and feelings they'd never spoken about with anyone else and would live in Leia's heart forever. That being said and as important and precious as that trip was for both Leia and Han she found herself having a more pleasant time on her honeymoon.

And she knew exactly why.

It wasn't just that Leia was happy that they didn't have to avoid two chaperones in the forms of Chewie and 3PO (though Leia was very grateful for that) it had more to do with the ring that was now on her finger.

The trip to Bespin was so critical to Han and Leia's relationship. It wasn't just the sex it was also the emotional barriers that she and Han began to let go around each other that would be dropped completely after the Battle of Endor. While travelling to Bespin Leia had felt more like herself than she had since the Disaster.

However, Leia knew that she wanted what she had discovered with Han to last beyond the trip which sometimes made it difficult to ignore the fact that Han would be leaving for Tatooine after he brought her back to the Rebellion.

Now though Leia had no worries as to Han leaving her. He had committed to her, to them, in front of the whole galaxy. She knew he would honour the vow he made to her for the rest of his life and she was just as committed to him and she also loved not having to worry about him facing a giant slug.

Leia reached for Han's had and pressed a kiss to his wedding ring.

Story Word Count:528

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