Not betting, Investment

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Summary: There have been ongoing bets as to when Han is going to propose to Leia for years. Breha knew this but she probably didn't expect her husband and Obi-Wan Kenobi to be involved in it. Written for Han and Leia Appreciation Week 2022 Day Five prompts "AU/Canon Divergence". Dedicated to RivkahTales.
Rating: G

As Breha Organa finished buttering her slice of bread she turned towards her husband, Bail Organa, who was slipping on his caf.

"What time do you think Han will get here?" she asked.

"Probably soon," Bail shrugged as he placed his mug back onto the breakfast table, "he messaged us only a few hours ago." Bail then paused while reaching for a piece of fruit. "Then agin he is flying the Falcon."

Breha rolled her eyes before taking a bite of her bread and butter then turning towards Obi-Wan who was sitting next to Bail altering between eating his breakfast and looking over the datapad in his hands. Breha wasn't sure was so interesting on the datapad.

Obi-Wan, who sensed Breha looking towards him, put down his datapad and shrugged as he poured himself a new fresh cup of tea.

"If he's coming for the reason we think he is I imagine nothing is going to stop him," he said with a slight sparkle in his eyes. He had come around to Han and his relationship with Leia much quicker than a lot of others had. Obi-Wan then mumbled to himself, "and hopefully it'll be before sunset."

"What was that?" Breha asked.

"Nothing my dove," Bail answered quickly for Obi-Wan.

Breha raised her eyebrow but decided to let it go, at least for now, as she finished her slice of bread and moved to take one of the freshly made pastries. Meanwhile Obi-Wan quickly flashed Bail a look at his datapad screen only for Bail to nod and continue on with their breakfast.

"Good morning everyone," a voice called out.

Leia walked into the private dinning area of the Aldera Palace, a pleasant smile on her face, her hair pulled back into a simple bun and wearing a light blue dress with a sapphire coloured ribbon wrapped around her waist. She moved to sit at her usual seat opposite her father and began to pour herself some caf as well as refilling Bail's while she had the pot.

For a while they ate in silence together before the old-fashioned doors opened and C-3PO quickly walked in.

"Your Majesty, Viceroy, Your Highness, Jedi Master-"

Before 3PO could begin with the proper introductions he was interrupted as the two guests walked in and the taller of the two switched him off as he walked in not wanting the annoying droid to ruin his good mood. In the doorway stood Han Solo and Luke Skywalker. Han dressed in black trousers with red bloodstripes, a white shirt, a blue jacket and his hair neater than anyone else had ever seen it while Luke was dressed in his usual black outfit with matching black cloak and R2-D2 on his heels.

R2 rolled towards the now deactivated 3PO and let out a series of beeps which constituted as laughter for him. He continued to 'laugh' as he pushed 3PO out of the room so that Captain Antilles would be able to turn him back on.

"Han! Luke!" Leia greeted them both happily.

"Hey sis!" Luke greeted her back and giving her a quick peck on the cheek before taking a seat at the breakfast table, pouring himself a glass of orange juice and grabbed some nerf sausages.

"Hey sweetheart," Han smiled at her tenderly before leaning down to press a kiss to her forehead and lingered allowing Leia to feel the heat radiating off of him.

"Hi Han," Leia whispered as if they were the most precious words.

"Would you mind walking with me through the gardens?" Han asked her hoping his nervousness wasn't displayed through his voice.

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