Mother's Advice (Breha)

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In a universe where Breha Organa survived Alderaan's destruction she goes to her daughter's room to give her advice following the disaster of Ord Mantel.
Rated: T

Ever since Leia had officially joined the Rebellion three years ago Breha had made a habit of greeting her whenever she came back. Breha didn't like the thought of her daughter going on dangerous missions or into battle but ultimately she knew that it was Leia's choice and Breha had to respect it.

However when Leia had returned from her latest mission with Han she had immediately ran past Breha and straight into her quarters. Breha had then seen the look on Han's face and knew that something must have happened.

Breha had waited before approaching Leia in her room. Although she had the access codes to Leia's quarters Breha knocked on the door first.

"Leia love," she called softly, "it's your mother."

There was a pause before Breha heard the quite response:

"You can come in mamma."

Breha slipped her hand on the panel and the door slid open in front of her.

Once she was inside Breha saw her daughter sat on her desk with a small mirror against the wall and a hairbrush in her hand. Her eyes were red and puffy and her hair was loose.

"Lelila." Breha sighed.

She walked up behind her and put her hands on Leia's shoulders.

"What do you need?"

Leia was silent for a moment before finally responding to her mother's question.

"Could you brush my hair for me?" she asked quietly.

"Of course." Breha took the hairbrush out of Leia's hand.

As Breha began brushing she was brought back to Leia's childhood when Breha used to brush and do her hair for her. Leia had been a very energetic child and it was one of the only times outside of her lessons were she would sit still for a long period of time.

Breha sighed sadly as she remembered some of the instances where she had caught Bail brushing Leia's hair.

"He's leaving." Leia whispered breaking away Breha from her memories of her late husband.

Breha didn't respond, waiting for Leia to expand more.

"Han," Leia whispered hoarsely. "He's leaving to pay off Jabba."

Breha sighed sadly. She knew what this meant. She was not oblivious to the way Han Solo and her daughter looked at each other, what they felt for each other. Breha had watched Leia fall more and more in love with him each day but chose to do nothing about it out of fear.

"Why has he changed his mind now?" Breha asked trying to be delicate.

Han had owed money to Jabba for longer than either Organa woman had known him so Breha wasn't sure why he had suddenly decided to leave the Rebel Alliance to finally take care of it.

"Ord Mantel," Leia said. "There was a bounty hunter."

Leia reached up to touch her shoulder and it was then that Breha noticed the bacta patch there.

"You were hurt weren't you?" Breha asked firmly.

Leia nodded and Breha briefly wondered if she should have taken up Han's offer of blaster training.

"He was after Han," Leia explained, "but he managed to get me. He tried to take me hostage but we managed to get him."

"Good," Breha muttered.

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