Your Evil Farther In Law

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Summary: Leia after getting advice from Luke tells Han that Darth Vader is her farther
Rating: K (General Audiences)

Leia skipped across the dirt covered ground on Endor over to Luke in a way she hadn't done since she was a little girl.

"You seem happy," Luke smiled.

"I am happy," Leia sighed contently as she got down on the floor next to Luke who was sifting through the boxes of supplies. "Han just asked me out on a date."

"A date huh?" Luke raised an eyebrow. "Isn't that a little too normal for you two?"

"I want normal," Leia said. "At least I want a version of normal for me and Han and I love him so much and we both agreed that we wanted a life together."

"I glad to hear that," Luke said genuinely happy for his sister and best friend. "I've been waiting for you to get together for over three years little sis."

"Do you actually know which one of us is older?" Leia raised her eyebrow at him. Somehow falling into this brother-sister dynamic was easy for them.

"Well no," Luke admitted. "I never asked but I have this feeling that I'm the older one."

"Well I think I'm the eldest," Leia said with a fake haughty voice. "And Han agrees with me."

"So you've told him about us?" Luke asked.

He was actually a little relieved Leia had told Han. He doubted she would have kept a secret this big from him but Luke was happy that he didn't have to wait to be able to talk to Han about it.

"Yeah," she nodded.

"How'd he take it?" Luke asked.

"Very well," Leia smiled at the memory. "He was shocked of course but mostly I think he was relieved that I wasn't in love with you."

"He thought that‽" Luke looked sick.

"Yeah," Leia looked equally disturbed by the idea. "That's a bit my fault I guess but luckily I've set him right."

"So how'd he take the news about Vader?" Luke asked expecting a similar response.

Leia quickly broke eye contact with him and focused on looking over the medpacs in the box. Luke reached out and felt guilt radiating off Leia. It didn't take long to figure out-

"You haven't told him yet" Luke hissed.

"I-no," Leia blushed.

"When do you plan on telling him?" Luke asked.

"I was hoping to get away with never," Leia mumbled.


"I am going to tell him Luke!" Leia yelled back. "I just don't know how!"

Leia buried her face into her hands.

"How do I tell the man I love that the monster that tortured him and froze him in carbonite is my farther?" Leia mumbled into her hands.

"Do you really think Han would care about that?" Luke asked gently as he removed Leia's hands for her.

"I don't know Luke!" Leia screamed throwing her hands in the air. "He has to put up with so much already! I wake him up in the middle of the night causing him to loose sleep because of my nightmares! I have a horrible temper! He's already getting so much scrutiny because he's with me!"

"And Han couldn't care less," Luke emphasised trying to get his point across to Leia. "None of that matters to him so long as he gets to be with you. This won't matter to him either."

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