It's Coronation Day!

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Summary: As the coronation of Alderaan's new queen comes tomorrow the people sleep peacefully but meanwhile Queen Leia Organa can't sleep as the ghosts of her past haunt her. Luckily the planet's future viceroy is there to comfort her. Written for Han and Leia Appreciation Week 2022 Day Five prompts "AU/Canon Divergence".

Tomorrow was Coronation Day.

Tomorrow Leia Organa, the daughter of the beloved Queen Breha Organa and Viceroy Bail Organa, would officially be coronated as Queen of Alderaan. While she had technically been queen for over three years now due to the Imperial occupation of Alderaan and Leia being off planet with the rebellion she had yet to be officially crowned. When she returned to Alderaan four months ago she had insisted upon maintaining her title of Crown Princess until her coronation. It was probably the longest gab between a monarch's ascension to the throne and their coronation in Alderaanian history.

The night before Coronation Day most of the people of Alderaan slept peacefully. They had been waiting for nearly four years for Queen Leia to return and claim her new position and now tomorrow a new age would begin. While Eglyn Valmor had done her best as Queen Regent ultimately the Imperials had ensured that she had little power to use to take care of her people and now with their rightful queen back where she belonged it was genuinely believed that they may begin to heal from the damage the Empire had inflicted on them.

Ironically, one of the only people who was not sleeping soundly was Leia Organa herself.

She laid underneath her dreamsilk canopy with her white shimmersilk sheets covering her up to her chin. Despite sleeping in this bed for pretty much her entire childhood since she was four she still had yet to get back to easily falling asleep in it over the past four months. Leia realised, with a pang of guilt, that it no longer really felt like her bed and a part of her wished that she was sleeping in her and Han's bunk in the Falcon or at least had Han beside her.

This would be her last night in her childhood bedroom as after her coronation she would have no more excuses and would be moving into the queen's rooms.

Leia sighed, officially giving up on sleep, and got out of bed to put on a pair of slippers and a dressing gown before slipping out of her room.

Most of the palace was asleep expect for the guards and the security droids which Leia managed to evade using skills from her time in the rebellion and some tricks Luke had begun to teach her about the Force. Leia managed to move unseen from the royal family's private wing of the Royal Palace of Aldera into the rooms which members of the court and occasionally members of the general public were allowed into.

Leia knew her way around the palace like the back of her hand. Even after being gone for years she could still make her way around almost seamlessly.

Leia had noticed even before now several expensive pieces of art and other such items that had been taken from the palace by the imperials but she was able to make a more accurate list now that she wasn't being distracted by conversation. She supposed once she was 'officially' queen she should formally set up some kind of comity or something like that to help track down the missing items. After all a lot of the pieces were important parts of Alderaan's history. Not to mention there were several things from her mother's personal collection missing.

As Leia made her way to her final destination she couldn't help but look in at the preparations for tomorrow.

She looked into the kitchen and saw several pieces of food that had been put together for the banquet after the coronation tomorrow were laid out in the fridges and freezers and how the tools that were needed for the food that was to be prepared on the day were already in place in order to save time. She looked into the banquet hall and saw how the palace's finest china, silverware and glassware were all in place and fresh flowers from one of the palaces many public gardens had been put in vases at the centre of the tables. She even looked in the wine cellar and saw pieces of blue ribbon wrapped around the bottles of Toniray and Emera Wine that would be served tomorrow.

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