One Place Two Times

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While on a mission for the Rebellion with Han, Leia dreams of the same hotel room in a different time. Written for Han and Leia week 2022 Day 1 prompt 'honeymoon.'

Leia was actually a bit surprised that Han had agreed so quickly to sleep on the couch. Most likely he didn't want to start an argument.

Perhaps that was why Carlist had chosen him to be the one to pretend to be her husband? Oh, who was she kidding? She knew exactly why Carlist had chosen her and Han for this mission and frankly Leia wasn't sure if she should be touched or pissed. How Carlist had figured it out Leia wasn't sure yet but she clearly wasn't as good at hiding things as she thought was. Or perhaps it was due to the fact that Carlist had known her all her life.

Either way she knew he was probably silently laughing when he handed her the mission file telling her she and Han were to go undercover as a newly married couple in a honeymoon suite. Actually, she was fairly confident she did hear him laughing as he walked away from her.

Leia understood why the mission was the way it was. Their contact needed to keep a low profile and a hotel is one of the best places to do that. It would be best if there was two rebels there and the best way to explain why two people were travelling together was to say that they were married.

Leia also understood why they picked Han to go on this mission with her. He was a excellent pilot and one of the best marksmen in the Alliance (or she supposed 'allied with' the Alliance). They worked well as a team. He was someone she wouldn't feel uncomfortable around and he was someone she could trust. In fact, he was probably the person she trusted most in the galaxy.

All of that didn't mean Leia had to be happy about all this.

Yes, she and Han were a good team. And yes, Leia didn't mind when he had to put his arm around his shoulder and kiss her cheek in public in order to maintain their cover.

The problem was that Leia didn't just 'not mind' she actively enjoyed it. She enjoyed leaning into Han's embrace and not having to snap at him when he called her sweetheart which she secretly loved and how Han looked at her in the dresses she'd been wearing the shivers that went down her spine when he kissed her on her cheek . . . or her hand . . . or her forehead.

As great as it all might feel, as much as she enjoyed having more time alone in Han's company, she couldn't afford to let herself become distracted even for a small time. The Rebellion and the destruction of the Empire needed her full undivided attention. She had failed the people counting once before and she wouldn't allow herself to do the same again.

Perhaps it would be different if Han was fully with her so they could work as a duo to destroy the Empire but while Han was a member of the Rebellion in all but name Leia knew that he was still planning to leave one day to pay off Jabba the Hutt. Leia had tried to convince him to join up, probably would continue to do so till the day Han was long gone, but as much as Han had helped them and clearly cared for Leia and his other friends he didn't seem close to changing his plans.

And Leia couldn't allow herself to become so emotionally vulnerable to someone who was just going to leave her. Their close friendship was already going to make it difficult but if she allowed herself to to become intimate with Han in the ways she'd never done with anyone else Leia didn't even want to think about how heartbroken she was going to be. She was already heartbroken enough.

Leia prepared for bed in the room's on suite fresher. She removed her makeup and took down her crown of braids before brushing her hair and pulling it back into a simple sleeping braid. She then slipped out of the dress she had been wearing all day and changed into a simple white cotton nightgown which went down to just passed her knees. Leia quickly washed her face and brushed her teeth before walking back into the bedroom.

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