The Proof of Love

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Summary: How Han proves his love for her in the aftermath of the Battle of Endor. Written for Han and Leia Appreciation Week 2022 Day Six Prompt "Favourite Scene".
Rating: G

It's not like Leia hadn't known before. She had told Han as much right before she'd taken out those stormtroopers. Maybe it wasn't until recently that she'd realised but Han had been showing his love for her for years now.

Yes there were big things like when he brought her gifts back from supply runs and when he had her back in combat and there was small things like how he always made her caf for her just the way she liked it and he always found a way to make her laugh when her dark thoughts and memories threatened to consume her.

Yet she found that this was probably the biggest proof.

"Okay," he said. "I understand. Fine. When he comes back, I won't get in the way."

At first she was confused. What was he talking about? Get in the way of what? Then suddenly the realisation hit her and she equal parts wanted to laugh as she did want to kiss him.

Leia had found herself so quickly accepting the fact that she and Luke were twins it felt more like something she was being reminded of that she had forgotten about rather than new information. She had so readily accepted that fact that that she had completely forgotten that everyone else didn't know it yet including Han.

So Han must have thought that Leia meant that she loved Luke in the romantic sense, the way that Leia actually loved him, and he was offering to step aside. He was prepared to walk away simply because he thought that's what she wanted regardless of what he wanted or how much it would hurt him. Oh, he was jealous and Leia knew that she was at least partly to blame for putting that idea in his head.

The whole idea was a bit ridiculous, at least to Leia, as even if Luke hadn't turned out to be her brother she couldn't really see herself developing those sought of feelings for him. However at the same time she knew this moment would be one she treasured in her heart forever as it was the greatest proof she'd ever seen as the true depth of Han's love for her. It showed what she perhaps already knew.

That Leia's happiness was one of the most important things to Han. That his love for her was selfless and he loved her enough to put her happiness and well being before his own personal desires and happiness. The fact that he wouldn't stand in the way of her leaving him for another man (his best friend at that) proved his love for her and devotion to her happiness more than any physical gift could.

However the idea of wanting to be with anyone other than Han Solo seemed so absurd to Leia she couldn't help but smile.

"Oh. No, it's not like that at all."

She saw the confusion on his face. No doubt he thought she would be thanking for his understanding or something like that. Leia made sure the pause was a short one as she wanted this idea out of Han's mind quickly.

Leia leaned closer and placed a hand on Han's shoulder.

"He's my brother."

The look on Han's face again made her want to laugh but instead she guided his head to face hers then brought his face down and kissed him.

He instinctively kissed her back with as much passion the it seemed to fully dawn on him what she was saying and he broke the kiss to smile at her brightly and she continued to smile back at him. In the background she could hear one of the Ewoks trying to get their attention but she didn't pay them any attention as Han pulled her back in for another kiss this one much shorter but with even more passion.

They both quickly patted the Ewok from before and gave him grateful smiles before he ran off to join the rest of his tribe at the distant sound of a horn leaving Han and Leia almost completely alone.

Leia instantly moved closer to Han so that she was almost sitting on his lap and Han wrapped his arms around her. He was looking at her with so much wonder that Leia once again felt guilty for ever trying to make him think that her affections lied elsewhere.

"Sooo," he started, "Luke's your brother?"

Leia was almost tempted to role her eyes at him but instead she just smirked up at him.

"What don't you stop worrying about Luke and start talking about yourself?" she suggested in a teasing voice. "About how you feel about me. About how there aren't enough scoundrels in my life."

"Well you know sweetheart . . . ," Han said running a finger across her bottom lip, "a princess and a former smuggler? I mean the odds of that working out are-"

"Han," Leia warned but her voice didn't drop its amusement. "Han. Never tell me the odds. Just kiss me."

He was more than happy to indulge in her request.

Author's Notes: I absolutely love this scene in RTOJ as I love how Han loves Leia enough to be willing to let her go so that she can be happy. It's also just one of my favourite Han Solo moments in general as well as one of my favourite Han and Leia moments.

Some of the dialogue at the end was taken from the ROTJ radio drama

Story Word Count: 848
Published: 13/08/22

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