9 Wait-

138 10 16

Tw: very brief mentions of self harm, Death

Unknown location,
Unknown time.

(Tubbo pov)

I couldn't stop crying. All the thoughts that rushed through my head were horrible and I wanted them all to leave. But the more I wanted them gone, the more came. Came to make me feel worse.
I now know that everyone hates me. It is clear.
They all want me gone.

(Tommy pov)

Why? Why does he do that? And why did that memory come back to me? Why di-

I knew.

Tubbo meant so much to me and I just told him all of his feeling and thoughts where just lies for attention. Back then, I told him I would be there, that I would listen to him. I have gone against my word so many times.
I've hurt him.
But- but I do believe he is trying to get attention. But I don't at the same time.
I don't understand.

I looked over at him. He sat on the floor crying more and more by the second. I hated it. All of this.

He is really feeling what he says he is feeling.

Tw:  very brief mentions of self harm

A huge wave of sadness and regret washed over me. I felt so bad about everything I had said. He really felt like everyone hates him and that he has to hurt himself for being annoying. He really doesn't like himself. I sat down, facing away from Tubbo, and wrapped my wings around myself. I started to cry.
I was the reson he was on the floor crying and felt even worse about himself. I had make him worse than he already was. I could be helping!

Tw: over

"Tommy?" Ranboo sat next to me. "Are you okay? Tubbo told me he wants to be alone, but I want to help you two."
I looked at him. "Am I a horrible person?" I asked.
"No! Tommy your a great person!" Ranboo said.
"I feel so bad. I didn't notice before but all of what Tubbo says he is feeling is true. I have made it worse. Just look at him."
"Well, your the only one who can fix it." Ranboo said. "If you made the hole, it is your job to fix it. You need to tell him what you just told me."
"He won't believe me." I said.
I hugged Ranboo.
"Go tell Tubbo you care for him." Ranboo said.
I let go and walked over to Tubbo.

"Tubbo?" I said.
"Go away." Tubbo replied.
"Tubbo, please. I want to talk."
"No. I don't want to talk."
"Leave me alone Tommy." Tubbo wiped his eyes just for more tears to fall.
"I promised you that I will always be there for you. I went against that and now I feel horrible. Tubbo I do care for you and I am so sorry I said all of that before. I was angry and not thinking straight. None of it was true. I do care for you."
Tubbo stood up and hugged me. We both started to cry again.
"Tommy... I-" Tubo said.
"Sh. I do care for you. Just remember that. No matter what." I said.
"I want to go home."
"I do too."
Ranboo walked over.
"Good to see you two are getting along again." He smiled.

There was a strange noise.

We looked up and there was a tall enderman stood over us.

(Ranboo pov)

I accidentally looked it in the eye.
"Guys-" I said.
Tommy was hit in the stomach and thrown to the floor.
"TOMMY!" Tubbo hit the enderman with his horns, giving it a cut on its left arm. Tubbo tried to hit it and missed, causeing me to be hit.
"SORRY!" Tubbo yelled.
I nodded before punching the enderman's jaw. The enderman teleported and stood on Tommy.

"LEAVE US ALONE!" I yelled in enderman.

The enderman looked at me.
"You speak my language?" He asked.
"I'm half enderman. Now LEAVE!"
The enderman nodded and teleported away.

Tw: Death

Me and Tubbo ran over to Tommy. Neither of us could tell if he was beating. We tried to find a pulse.

We couldn't find it.

Tubbo started to cry over Tommy's body.
Whether he was alive, we were unsure. But what we did know, is that the chance of survival or him getting out of here were low and even next to none.
"Tommy! Please!" Tubbo yelled, shaking Tommy.
His movement was all floppy.

I don't think he made it.

(Tubbo pov)

"Please! Wake up Tommy!... please..." I cried.
"Tubbo I-" Ranboo put his hand on my shoulder.
"He has to be okay!" I said. "He has to be..."
I just cried on Tommy's body for what felt like hours.  Hours of just griefing over my Twins body.

XD appeared.
"Oh my!" He said in shock.
"He's gone..." Ranboo mutted.
"He can't be..." I said, still hugging his body hoping that by some miracle he would awake.
"Can I see him?" XD asked.
He came over and waved his hand over Tommy.
"Help him." I said.
"I just tried. I can't be sure if it has worked." He said. "But I can't send you home till I know."
He disappeared.

A few more hours of me crying over his body and hoping he would come back to us, even for a second. Just so I could say I love him. These hours were painful. I hated every single one of them.

But suddenly, a strip of white appeared in his hair.

Sorry about that!
What do you even say after that?

Well, hope you did enjoy. And I definitely didn't forget about wattpad yesterday or anything. Not true!

Anyway lol,
Have a great day/night!

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