17 Tubbo and Ranboo are dads?

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The living room sofa

(Tommy pov)

I hated not being able to do things.
"Argh." Tubbo complained.
"What?" I asked.
"Dad said the others, you know the gang, can't come see you."
"Why?" I was a bit annoyed now.
"I don't know. Sucks."
"I want them here."
"Same..." Tubbo rested his head on my legs as he layed down arcoss the sofa.
"My wings hurt." I complained.
"NAH! They look horrible." Tubbo laughed.
"Thanks. You try having big flappy things on your back!"
"You try having sharpe ouchy things on your head."
"Sharpe ouchy things?" I laughed.
"They are sharpe and hurt."
"Whatever Bossman."
"So, now what?" Tubbo asked.
"Get the Hamilton DVD." I said.
"Are we gunna watch it?!" Tubbo smiled.
"No. We are just gunna look at the case." I replied, sarcasm dripping from my voice.
"Ha, ha."
"Don't ask stupid questions."

After the movie finished, Wilbur came to check on us.
"Everyone okay?" He asked.
"Yep." Tubbo smiled.
"Can out friends come round?" I asked.
"Dad said no cause we need to decide if we can take you to hospital." Wilbur left.
"ARGH!" I said.
"You know you said DreamXD did this cool trick where he brought a flower back to life?" Tubbo said.
"Can you bring my flower back to life?" He gave me the pot with a sun flower in.
"I can try." I wrapped my hands around it.

Now believe
Hello Tommy. Just believe.

I let go of the flower. It was looking better.
"WHOA!" I smiled.
"Yes! Keep going!" Tubbo laughed.
I wrapped my hands around it again.

The flower is alive.
Yes. The flower is alive

I let go and it was.
The flower was alive! I had done it.
"Oh my God! You did it!" Tubbo smiled.
"Yeah. I did!" I touched the dirt and a second flower grew. "Er..."
Tubbo smiled in amzment at what I had done.

Wow. Good job.
Hey, want to make your brother happy?
Touch Michael
What will happen?
Touch him to see.

I picked up Micheal. He flopped on the sofa.
"What the-" I said.
Micheal say up on his own.
"BEE!" Micheal ran and hugged Tubbo. Tubbo looked shocked and confused.
"Micheal?" He asked.
Micheal onicked.
"He's- He's alive!" Tubbo picked up the child. "Hello Michael!"
"Bee!" Michael laughed.
"Oh my God. I brought him to life." I said in shock.
"Bhere's Boo?" Micheal asked.
"Where's Boo? He is at his house." Tubbo hugges his new son.
"Boo?" Micheal said.
"Boo isn't here."
"I bont Boo!" Michael started to cry.
"No, no! Don't cry! Look, I will ask him to come round!" Tubbo reached for his phone desperately.
"Yes, Boo will be here soon." Tubbo said.
"We're not allowed friends round." I said.
"Ranboo is basically our family." Tubbo said.

Ranboo teleported into the room.

"Hi." He smiled.
"BOO!" Micheal hugged his leg.
"What the hell?!"
"I accidentally brought him to life..." I said.
"How?" Ranboo asked, picking up Micheal.
"God magic." I smiled.
"Hi Michael." Ranboo hugged the child.
"Boo..." Micheal smiled.
"I love him!" Tubbo said. "We really have a son!" Tubbo took Micheal off Ranboo.

(Tubbo pov)

I held him close to me and made sure he felt safe.
"Bee..." Michael mutted before falling asleep in my arms.
"Night Micheal." I smiled. He slept peaceful in my arms, sucking his thumb.
"Aw, he likes you." Ranboo said. He started to stroke Michael's hair.
"He's so cute!" I smiled.
"Guys, we might not be able to keep him." Tommy said.
"But, he's our son." I said.
"I know."

"What is that mate?"

We saw Phil.
"It's Micheal." I said. "Sh. He's asleep."
"He's a toy." Phil said.
"Tommy used his God magic and, by accident, brought him to life." Ranboo said.
"I didn't mean to." Tommy said.
"Now me and Ranboo are dads." I said, smiling.
"What are we meant to do with him?" Phil asked.
"Keep him. Love him. Play with him." I said. "Care for him."
"Okay. He is your responsibility." Phil said.
"Me and Ranboo are his dads so he is our responsibility. You can babysit when we have school."
"Okay. We will have to buy him a bed tomorrow. He can sleep with you tonight."
I nodded.
"Also, Tommy. We are going to keep you at home and hope your wings get better."
"Okay." Tommy went to bed.
"I love him." I said.
"Me too." Ranboo smiled.
I sat on the sofa and fell asleep with my new son in my hands.

Micheal is alive!
How cute :)
Sorry this chapter is shorter.

Also, do ya'll want book 5?
Idk if I'm gunna do bock five so I need to know so I can end it on this book (not yet! But at like 30 odd chapters) or not give it a proper ending just yet ;)

Anyways, Have a great day/night!

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