18 Nightmares of Nightmare

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Tommy and Tubbo's room

(Tommy pov)

I woke up.
I had dreamed of him. He was there. He was close. He touched me and I was gone. A God had fallen.

I went downstairs and saw Tubbo giving Micheal some milk.
"Tubbo?" I asked.
"Sorry. He woke up." Tubbo said.
"No, no, it's fine." I sighed.
Tubbo sat on the sofa and layed Michael down to sleep.
"Nightmare?" Tubbo asked.
"Both." I sat next to him.
"A nightmare about Nightmare?"
I nodded.
"Strange. I had the same thing. I woke up way before Micheal." Tubbo sighed.
"I don't understand. He is dead!" I said. "How is he haunting us?"
"Tommy, I think it's me."
I looked at him.
"What?" I asked.
"I think it is me that is affecting us. I'm a Dreamon. I'm just like him." Tubbo hugged Micheal.
"No, no your not like him."
"I am. I'm a Dreamon and Dreamons are horrible. I'm horrible. I'm hated, I'm-"
"No! Your not like that." I said. Tubbo looked at me, tears building in his eyes.
"Your above that. Your amazing."
"I- I'm- I don't believe you..."
It looked like the words pained him to say more than it hurt me to hear.
"I-" I couldn't say anything. No words could express the feelings I was feeling. Betrayal? No, that didn't even begin to explain how bad it felt. Sorrow was an understatement for what I was feeling.
We remained silent, just looking each other in the eye. Tears fell from Tubbo's eyes. He finally looked away and didn't look back.
"Your not a Dreamon." I said.
"I am!" Tubbo yelled.
I just started to cry with him. I not sure why but I did.
"Please..." I said.
Tubbo took Micheal to our room and came back. I hugged him.
"Tommy?" He asked.
"Yeah?" I answered.
"I- nevermind. I'm going to bed." Tubbo walked off.

The next day

(Ranboo pov)

I sat with Tubbo at lunch. He was sat away from the rest of 'the smp' at a different table and I wanted to know why.
"Hey Bee." I said, as I sat opposite him. He looked tired, as if he didn't sleep.
"Hey..." He didn't even look up form his meal and just kept poking it with his fork.
"Okay, what's up?"
"Nothing. I'm fine..." He answered, still not looking up.
"Bee, your not sat with the others, you haven't looked at me once and you hardly speaking or doing anything. You are also scratching your arm which means your sad or you want to do you know what. I can tell it isn't the second opinion because you tell me everything and if you wanted to do it, you would be looking for a rock right now or hiding your arms under the table, neither of which you are doing. So, what's up?"
Tubbo looked at me. He looked back down at the table.
"I'm fine Ranboo." He sounded a bit angry.
"No, your not. I get that I'm being a bit annoying, but I am just concerned. I'm trying to help." I put my hand on his and rubbed the back of his hand.
"Well have you ever tried not trying to help!" Tubbo pulled his hand away.
"Tubbo?" I asked.
"Just leave." Tubbo looked at the floor and continued to scratch his arm.
"No. Tubbo, something is on your mind. Please tell me." I sat next to him. He started to cry.
"Just leave me alone." He whispered.
I pulled him into a hug. He didn't move and just let me hug him.
"Let it out." I said.
Tubbo just cried. I rubbed his back and continued to hug him. He eventually stopped. He wiped his eyes.
"You okay?" I asked.
"No, I never will be." He said.
"I'm a Dreamon. I'm horrible. I'm meant to be hated. I don't deserve love, or a family or anything. I don't deserve Tommy, Phil and that, our friends, Michael and- and especially you. Your to nice to me. I'm a Dreamon, I shouldn't have friends. I definitely shouldn't have you. Why? Why do you help me?" He started to cry again and hugged me as tight as he could.
"Tubbo," I hugged him tighter. "I love you. Your my best friend and I would do anything for you."
"Because your an amazing person. You mean well and don't hurt anyone." I said.
"You deserve the world. Micheal is lucky he has you as a dad."
Tubbo looked at me. "Really?" He wiped his eyes.
"Yep. I'm lucky to have an amazing best friend."
"Thank you." He smiled.

Outside of school

(Tubbo pov)

I walked out with Ranboo.
"You doing better?" He asked.
"A bit." I smiled. "I miss Micheal."
"You really do act like a parent to him." Ranboo smiled.
"I really do feel like he is my son." I said.
"Come on. Let's get to yours then."

Once we got home, Michael ran and hugged me.
"Bee!" He yelled. "Boo! Your bome!"
"Micheal!" I smiled, picking him up. I hugged him.
"He is a hand full." Phil said.
"Thank you." I said.
"Anytime. But he is your problem now." Phil went to bed. Kristin walked in.
"He's lovely." She smiled. "Oh! Tell Bee you learnt a new word."
"Brouble. Means bou've been bad." Michael smiled.
"Oh, Trouble." I laughed. "Good job."
"Am I bmart?" Michael asked.
"Very!" Ranboo tickled Michael's stomach.
"Yay!" Michael laughed. "I'm blso learning to read!"

Hi my Blazes ;)
(I go call ya'll that)

Book 1 has 4.95k reads!!!! That the heck! Thank you all so much!


Have a great day/night!

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