10 Magic tests

148 13 3

Unknown place
Sometime in the afternoon

(Tubbo pov)

"Tommy?" I said.
He opened his eyes slowly and rubbed his head.
"TOMMY!" I hugged him. He hugged me back.
"What?" Ranboo was as confused as I was.
He had died. How was he alive?
"Tubbo, I was in black. All black. I saw a person, I don't know who they where. Tubbo, I'm scared." Tommy said.
"I'm here." I said, patting his back. "You're safe."
"Tubbo." He gripped me tighter.
"I'm here. I will always be here."
"But I wasn't. I died." Tommy cried. "I said I would be ther but I wasn't."
"You tried." I said.
"I am so sorry for what I said. I care for you, I love you." Tommy wrapped his wings around me.
"I know that you didn't mean it. I know you where angry. I know that. I'm sorry you have to see me go through what I am going through. I wish I could all stop, I really do." I said.
"We can help it stop." Tommy said.
"I dought it."
"Try me." He laughed. We sat crossed legged facing each other.

But how? This voice tells me to do it." I said.
"Thay voice is just you. If you think it is gone, it is gone." Tommy leaned forward a bit and startd to scratch behind my ear. I tilted my head a bit and just looked at him.
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"Tubbo. You are the voice. It is all in your head. Just imagine that it is gone. Ignore it. We love you." Tommy kept scratching behind my ear. I just looked at him.
"Remember the first day at the orphanage? I told you I will always be there. That is what I intend to do."
"Me too." Ranboo sat next to Tommy. "I have been there when you need to talk. I will always be there."
I smiled. I hugged Tommy and Ranboo as tight as I could.
"Thank you!" I started to cry. "That helps."
"That is what we ate here for." Ranboo said.
"Thank you." I smiled.
"Now come on! We where sent here to use our magic! Let's try it out!" Tommy started to flap his wings. He fell.
"What do I have?" Tubbo asked.
"No idea. CHECK THIS OUT!" Ranboo teleported behind Tommy.
"Wow!" I smiled.
"Er, Tubbo your hands." Tommy said.
I saw a black and slightly purple cloud appear on my hands.
"Oh my God!" I shook my hands and the cloud disappeared and left a rock in its place.
"You can make things appear?" Tommy smiled.

Around 10pm.
(They are useing the sun to tell the time btw)

(Tommy pov)

I flapped my wings and tried to fly. I kept falling.
"Look!" Tubbo made some bread appear. Ranboo teleported and caught me.
"You can try again." Tubbo smiled.
"Okay." I flapped my wings. I started to do it. I was flying! I flew as high as I could.
"YES! I CAN FLY!" I flew over and landed next to Tubbo.
"Yes!" Tubbo hugged me.
I grabbed his wrists and flew.
"OH MY GOD! TOMMY PUT ME DOWN!" Tubbo screamed. I laughed and dropped him just to catch him again.
"ARGH! TOMMY! DON'T DO THAT!" He gripped my arms as tight as he could. I laughed.
"PUT ME DOWN!" Tubbo said.
I gently lowered him to the ground and he sat down.
"I am never leaving the floor again!" He said. Ranboo laughed and sat next to him. I sat the other side of him.
"I guess we can use magic now!" I smiled.
"I can zap lighting!" Tubbo used his horns and zapped some grass.
"Your horns have a use!" Ranboo smiled.

XD appeared. He flew up above us.

"XD!" I smiled. "Look!" I flew up to his level.
"Wow! You guys did learn quick!" XD smiled.
"Can we go home?" Tubbo asked.
"Yes. Yes you can. Tommy, you may want to explain the wings."
"Yeah... I'll say it's a Dreamon thing." I said.
"Thay works. See you when you next need advice!" XD smiled.

We found ourselves in the back garden.
No time had passed.
"Ow!" Tubbo said.
"You okay?" I asked.
"No. You just wit me with your wing." He laughed.
"What the hell dude! I thought you hurt yourself!"
"I did. Well, you hit my head." He laughed. I laughed with him. Ranboo sat lay on the grass.
"I live here now." He smiled.
"You could just teleport home." Tubbo sat by his head and started to play with his hair.
"Meh. I like it here." He said.
"Come on. Let's go tell Phil I have wings then." I said, flying a little.
"Okay. Let's watch the sun rise first." Tubbo said.
I sat down next to him.

It was nice.

The three of us watching the sun rise. We all sat there peacefully.

Hope you enjoyed.
This story is so much fun to write :)

So, your boi had a Wilbur adoption story that they started writting and is wondering if ya'll would read it?
So, Wilbur and Ghostbur are twins and get adopted. That is all I'm gunna say.
Would ya'll read that?

Anyway, hope you enjoyed and have a great day/night!

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