25 Recap

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(Tommy pov)

I will always remember the day we got adopted. It was such a great day for me and Tubbo. And look at us now.

As I sit on the sofa, all of my family and friends asleep in various places around the living room, I remember him lucky I am to have a such great family.

I don't regret much as everything that has happened to me has made me who I am today. There is also no point in regretting things that had a good impact.
I used to regret running away not long after being adopted.
But that change my life. Techno coming to get me and knowing they all looked for me and they where all so sad at my disappearance gave me the push I needed to realise what family is. That push I need to call Phil my dad.
Life might not always be the best. There are times when everything goes wrong for you and that is normal. It is normal for things to go wrong. But when you come out of it, you can laugh about it. And you always have family.

Family isn't just those who gave you life. It is those who are in your life. Those who will help you till the end.

Dream. He is definitely one of my older brothers. Yes, he is technically my grandfather but that is complicated. He is one of the best older brothers I could ask for. He has tried to help so many times.
George. He is a good big brother. He has his moments of stupidity, but we all do. He has help us so much.
Sapnap. He taught Tubbo how to skate better and he is a very funny person. Definitely my brother.
Eret is an amazing person. He is so wise and she always wants to take care of us. They have all of our backs. I am proud to call him my sibling. She is epic!
Niki. She is always there as well. She always knows what to say and is so nice. It is so good to have such and amazing sister.
Fundy. Fundy the furry. We may mock him and possible insult him a bit, but he is the best brother ever. Or nephew. It is strange.
Sally. Sally is such an amazing sibling. I wouldn't want Wilbur to date anyone else.
Karl always knows how to help. He loves to make jokes and he has an amazing laugh.
Quackity is one of the funniest people I have ever met. He always keeps us company when we need it.
Sam is like a second dad to me. He helps teach me things and keep me in line. He is my second father figure.
Foolish. He is amzing as well. He is very nice and loves to help people.
Jack Manifold. I may have not seen him in 2 years, but we message and he is as much as a brother to me as the others.
Ranboo. Ranboo, Ranboo, Ranboo. He is Tubbo's best friend. He could easily be a set of triplets with me and Tubbo and I wouldn't even mind. He is such a good guy.
There is also my legal family.
There is my mother Kristin. She is so nice and loves helping us. She always has a way to make us happy and support us.
Phil. Dad. He is the best dad I could ask for. He helps us and understands us. He is always there and pushes for our safety.
Technoblade. He is so nice when you get to know him. He may seem deadly, well he is deadly, but he is always there to help when he is needed.
Wilbur. Wilbur plays the most beautiful music and is an amazing brother. He supports us when we need him.
There is also my actual family.
My nephew, Michael. He is so cute and may only be days old, but I love him. He means the world to Tubbo and Ranboo.
Tubbo. My twin.
Tubbo means the world to me and is the only person on this hell of an Earth who understands me. He knows everything that I have been through and will always be there for me and I him. He may be older by about 10 minutes, but he still is my little brother. He still is my Tubbo.

So, yeah, family is who you brought you life, but it is also those who help you through your life. The people who care for you, who love you.

Life is never what you expect it to be and there isn't much you can do to change that. But there are people who can make what you have, amzing. Better than what you wanted.
I love all of my family. I know they will be there for me when I need it, because I have been there for them.

(3rd person pov)

Tommy woke Tubbo and Ranboo. No words need to be said as the boys left the house. They walked to the park and sat on there bench. Tommy sat in the middle with his friend and brother either side.
"Life is a beautiful thing." Tubbo said.
"It is. It really is." Ranboo smiled.
"Yeah..." Tommy smiled, wrapping his wings around the boys either side of him.
Tubbo rested his head on Tommy's shoulder. Ranboo's tail moved at a face pace, showing his happiness.
"We still have a few problems though." Ranboo pointed to the bandages on Tubbo's head.
The sun began to rise behind them.
"Whatever." Tommy smiled. "We have each other. We are the bench trio. Ranboo, Tubbo and Tommy."

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