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The living room

(Wilbur pov)

I didn't sleep very well last night, so now I am tired.
I saw Tommy and he-
Okay, lack of sleep makes you see things, confirmed.
"Hi Wilbur!" Tubbo smiled.
"Why- wings- Tommy- WHAT?" I yelled.
"Sh!" Ranboo put his hand over my mouth. I nodded. Ranboo moved his hand.
"Why does he have wings?" I whispered.
"Um-" Tommy looked at Tubbo. Tubbo nodded.
"Well, I'm not a Dreamon. Apparently I am a God. That means I now have wings," Tommy said.
I just staired at him in shock.
Ranboo put his hand over my mouth again.
"Sorry." It was muffled because of Ranboo's hand but they understood. Ranboo moved his hand away.
"You done?" He asked. I nodded.
"How do you know all this?" I asked.
"DreamXD told me. He came last night." Tommy shrugged. I grabbed his wrist and ran to Phil's room.
"Hey!" Tommy said.
I knocked on the door until Phil answered.
"What?" He asked.
"Tommy- wings-" I said, still in shock.
"What the hell mate?" Phil looked at Tommy.

(Tommy pov)

This was not how I was going to tell them, but this works.
"Okay, I am not a Dreamon. DreamXD came to vist me blah blah and I am a God blah blah and I have wings. Done, your all caught up." I said.
"What's with the white streak?" Phil asked.
I forgot about that and I wasn't about to go tell them I had died and been revived because they would freak out.
"I God thing I think. Not really sure." I said.
"Okay, so you woke up with wings?" Phil asked.
I shrugged. "You could say that." I smiled.
"Tommy- that doesn't even make sense!" Wilbur said.
"Okay. I am going to tell the full story when everyone is up and on the sofa ready to listen." I said. "So no more questions!"
"Can I-"
"Yes Wilbur, you can have popcorn." I said. Wilbur mouthed 'yes' and walked to his room.
"Okay. Are you okay though Tommy?" Phil put his hand on my shoulder. I put my wings behind my back.
"I'll be fine dad." I smiled. Phil nodded.
"Go have some fun then." He said.
I ran back downstairs to Tubbo and Ranboo.
"We are gunna tell them, right?" Ranboo asked.
I nodded. "Later."
I flopped on the sofa.
"Your wings are fluffy." Tubbo started to play with the feathers. He tugged on one of them.
"Ow, what the hell man?" I said.
"Sorry!" He said.
"Do they hurt? Or does your back hurt?" Ranboo asked.
"Well, my wings feel okay, but my back does ache like hell." I said.
"Hey, we should do something fun today!" Tubbo suggested.
"We have school." Ranboo said.
"I know, I know but we could do something after."
"I have to tell them about the wings and things after. So we can't do much." I said.
"Argh." Tubbo flopped on the sofa.
"Okay, get up. If you don't you will lose all motivation for anything." Ranboo grabbed his hands and tried to pull him up. Tubbo just flopped back down.
"Already lost it." He said.
"Get up." I said.
"How about you? Your just laying on the sofa too."
"No. Your on my wing!" I said.
"Oh." Tubbo moved over a bit.
"Still on my wing."
"How big are they?" He moved up a bit more.
"Well, big enough so I can fly." I answered.
"Argh!" Tubbo sighed.
"Great. Get up." Ranboo said to us. I got up and went to the kitchen. I heard Ranboo tying to get Tubbo to move but Tubbo wouldn't.
"A BEE!" I saw a bee outside the window. Tubbo came running up to me.
"BEE!" He looked through the window at the bee.
"What the?" Ranboo walked in. "A bee. You won't get up to hang with your friends, but you get up for a bee?"
"Sounds about right." I laughed.

The living room

(Tommy pov)

"And so now I have wings and a white in my hair and we have some strange magic." I finished explaining after an hour.
"Wow!" Wilbur smiled.
"YOU DIED?" Phil asked in shock.
"WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL US?" Kristin asked.
"I just did." I said.
"Before now." Phil said.
"That's Pog." Techno said.
"Trust you to say that." Wilbur laughed. "I want to know though; can you fly?"
"Yes." I answered.
"Prove it." Wilbur laughed.
"To the garden then."
We all walked into the garden.
I flapped my wings and flew. I did I few spins and then landed on the ground.
"That answer your question?" I asked.
"WHAT THE HELL THAT IS SO COOL!" Wilbur laughed. I laughed with him.
"People are gunna mock you." Techno said.
"Then I zap them." Tubbo used his horns and zapped an old flower pot that was meant to go in the bin years ago.
"WHAT? What else can you do?" Wilbur asked.
"I can make basic things appear. Like bread and-"
"Popcorn?" Wilbur interrupted Tubbo.
"Maybe." He shrugged.
He make popcorn. I flew in and took it.
"Thanks." I sat in the sky eating it.
"Hey!" Wilbur yelled.
"You already had some." I said.

Still in the garden

(Tubbo pov)

All of our friends where round. They were all asking so many questions. I couldn't handle it.
"Tubbo?" Someone put there hand on my shoulder. I tensed up.
"Tubbo, it's me, Eret." Eret said. I let my shoulders relax a bit. He looked at me. I was looking at him, but he was a blur.
"Your crying, are you okay?" He said. I still just staired. He waved his hand infront of my face. I turned my head to look at him a bit better.
"Tubbo?" He asked.
I finally was able to nod. It was only a small nod, but I managed to do it.
"Do you want to go inside?" Eret asked.
I nodded. He held my hand and we went into the living room and sat on the sofa.
"Are you okay?" Eret asked.
"Y- yeah. I don't know what happened." I said, wiping my eyes. "They where just all asking questions and I guess I just felt-" I stopped.
"Felt?" Eret asked.
"I felt like they all just wanted to use me for the power I have and that they all- that they all really hate me."


What did you think of this chapter?

I had a new name idea for Does the Blood God really want blood?
Should I change the name to: The way blood flows
Just an idea.

The Minecraft Brothers 4 - God calls the trioWhere stories live. Discover now