23 Near death

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Tw: blood and mentions of death
This is throughout the whole chapter!

The spair room

(Tubbo pov)

I opened the door and saw Ranboo stood there, facing the other wall. I closed the door. I could tell by the purple light on the wall that he was in his enderwalk state.
"Ranboo?" I said. "I need you to listen."
Ranboo didn't move, nor did he make noise of acknowledgement.
"I am here for you. I may have lost my powers, but I will protect you. I may be weaker now, but I will be there. This is only happening because you are letting it happen."
He slowly turned to face me, axe in his hand.
"I know you want to kill me. But please... don't. I'm your Bee. Your my Boo. And I will always be there for you. Your my Boo. I'm your Bee. You'll do anything for me." I said.
His eyes flashed back to normal, but just for a second.
"Please, drop the axe." I begged.
He didn't. He just staired at me.
Looking in to his enderman eyes was as if I was looking into death itself. They only held the urge to kill and no signs of the happiness that sits in Ranboo's eyes. They felt cold. I continued to look him in the eye, looking for a trace, just a sign, that Ranboo was still there.
But there was nothing.
Not a single sign showed any traces of my best friend. All there was was the cold eyes of a monster ready to kill.

"You're not an enderman." I said, still looking into the purple eyes of death. "You are Ranboo. You're my best friend."
He just looked at me, tilting his head to the side slightly.
"You're my friend, not a monster." I said. As well as being able to hear the fear in my voice, Ranboo could sence it. I placed my hand on his arm.
"Please, Ranboo, if you are there, please talk to me." I pleaded.
This was the cloesed I have ever come to death.
I was touching his arm, which held the axe. He knocked my hand off and held the axe over his head. I was helpless. I had no weapon, no power. Mine had been taken away when I lost my Dreamon half.
"Please!" I begged. "Ranboo, I'm here. It's your Bee!"
He threw the axe. I ducked.
Not enough.
It shattered the remaining of my broken horn. I held my head in pain and looked at Ranboo. He still showed no signs of being my best friend. There was blood all over my head, and now on my hand. It was everywhere. Now with his axe out the window, he reached for a knife on his belt, I didn't know he had.
I sighed.
"You can't kill me please." I said. "You won't live with yourself if you had killed your best friend. I know I couldn't. I feel you Ranboo. I know what you are going through! I went through it and it only ended this moring. And that was because of you Ranboo."
I felt tears in my eyes.
The pain in my head had grown to be to much and knowing that I could be in my last minutes on Earth made it worst.
Ranboo just tilted his head again in confusion.
"You're not an enderman." I cried. "YOU'RE RANBOO!"
I didn't know why I yelled. He just looked at me.
"R-" He said.
"Ranboo." I stepped forward.
"Half way there. Ranboo." I smiled a bit.
"Yes... Ranboo."
"Ranboo." The enderman said.
"Ranboo. That is who you are." I said, holding his hand. "You are an amazing person. You're not an enderman." I smiled at him. My face fell when I saw he still was and enderman.
But I noticed something in his eyes.
A trace of Ranboo. A trace of that love, that happiness, that always lives in Ranboo's eyes. Hope. That little spark of hope.
"Hey, remember when you first met me?" I said. "When we caused loads of problems in PE."
He just looked at me. I could tell Ranboo was listening. Ranboo could hear every word I was saying.
"Or before then when you and Fundy put on the silly swag glasses." I laughed a bit.
He just looked at me. This wasn't bringing Ranboo back, but he could hear. Knowing that my best friend can hear me talking about all the fun we had together made me feel at ease. I could die here. I could die, but at least I know that he will remember all the fun we had together. I ignored all off the blood that I was losing.
"When we brought Micheal from the shop. You said I was being silly but we both got attached to him." I giggled. "When we Platonicly Married."
I think I was losing Ranboo, but I know he could still hear.
"We never did have a Platonic Wedding. We could punch each other's arms and not, well you know, kiss." I smiled. "Remember when we became famous?"
He still just staired.
To anyone else, it would look like I'm talking to a monster. However, I'm not. I'm talking to the traces of my best friend that remain.
"My favourite memory was us all on the bench that night. The 3 of us, having fun. I loved it. I know you are probably going to kill me, so we won't be able to do it again. But you know, sometimes just remembering that it happened is enough to make you feel like you are there again, just for one last time." I played with Ranboo's fingers. I knew that I would either die by Ranboo's hand, or I would die by my head not being cared for if I just stayed in here.
I felt light headed.
"Ranboo... you could kill me now, or wait for me to have a slow painful death because of my head. Either will work. I just want you to know that I do care for you. Because you are my Boo." I smiled.

I was pulled into a hug.

"I'm so sorry..." Ranboo said.
"Bye Boo." I hugged him as tight as I could, which wasn't very tight at all.
"No! Please, Bee! Stay with me! We can get you help!" Ranboo pleaded. I felt my breathing start to slowen.
"No... I'm fine here with you..." I said.
"No, please Tubbo. You can't leave me! I need you. We all do." He held me closer. I just rested my head on his chest.
"Thank you... Ranboo..." I said, my eyes starting to close.
"No! Tubbo! Don't leave! Please..." He was crying. He reasted his head on mine. I saw blood on his face. "No, please..."
"Thank you... for everything... Ranboo..." I closed my eyes, and rested, my breathing slowing down more and more...


I'm gunna leave now...
*walks away slowly*

(A few more chapters left!)

Hope you enjoyed! Have a great day/night!

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