Golden Guard x Human!Reader: Flowers

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(A/N: I recommend you download InteractiveFics if you read on a computer, you can download this extension on the Chrome Web Store. This extension let's you change ( to your actual name and I find this very useful)

Requested by:  Rainbowkitty2808

(Y/N)'s POV:

I really couldn't do it huh?

Hunter was one of the few people I was told to stay away from and I just couldn't help myself falling in love. 

Eda had directly said "Now (Y/N), don't talk to anyone in the Emperor's Coven, they just want to hunt us down." and I promised I wouldn't. 

On the bright side, (not really) it was the same thing for him. Belos had told him to stay away from anyone who associated with Eda, but here we are laying on a patch of grass beside each other in the middle of the night. 

I knew how risky this was considering Eda was probably going to be at the Night Market tonight, but what fun is life without a little danger? 

"I'll have to show you the flowers in the human realm," I begin. He rolls over to face me waiting for me to finish "They're very pretty, you'd love them"

He hums in response and rolls back over.

"I personally think the flowers here are lovely." he states

"You say that as if one of them didn't just try and eat me the other day!" I counter

"Okay, but you have to admit it was pretty funny," He laughs. I roll over to turn him and I narrow my eyes "IT TRIED TO EAT ME!" I whisper-shout, not wanting to draw attention to us. He just laughs at me again "Rude." I mutter

I was about to face the sky again when I spot King on Eda's shoulder around 50 feet away from us.

'Wow perfect timing'  I think to myself

I grab Hunters arm and pull him behind a stand, "Hey what was tha-" I silence him with my hand and pointed to Eda. I slowly remove my hand from his mouth 

"I'll see you tomorrow, I need to talk to Eda." I say and give him a quick peck on the cheek. His face is redder than apple blood, "Love you loser," I giggle "I- uh yeah same!" he stammers out.


The Next Day:

3rd Person POV:

Hunter went to pick some flower out for (Y/N). Though of course they're not the ones they'd find in their realm, they were crazy. Some were neon colours and others looked wilted, but to Hunter they were perfect.

Just like you

He also made sure he wrote them a note. What it said, you may ask? You'll find out don't worry

Hunter made his way to the Owl House. Oh how he despised the people inside but he made an exception for them. 

To be honest, Hunter was nervous for a lot of reasons.

He was worried they wouldn't like his selection of flowers

He was worried someone else would answer the door and he was never see them again

He was worried even if they did answer the door, someone would find out

Obviously, many things could go wrong but he had to face his fears.

He sighed and made his way to the front door. He was about to knock when an annoying voice interrupted him

"Password, hoot hoot" 

'Right'  He had forgot about the owl-worm, Luz had told him about Hooty. Just from how she described him, he absolutely could not stand him. 

"Uh, I'm not looking to come in. Could you just give these to (Y/N)?" He asked

"Sure thing, hoot-hoot" He grabbed the bouquet by his beak opened the door and flew up the stairs with the flowers and the note. 

Hunter peaked in and looked confused

"Hooty, what in Titans name are you doing?" an unknown voice said.


He recognized the voice, it was Eda.

He ran, he ran so far you wouldn't even know he went near the Owl House

Hooty ignored Eda and went straight to (Y/N) room

"A blond guy told me to give these to you, hoot" Hooty said

"Oh, uh thanks Hooty" (Y/N) waited until he left the room to open it up, they knew exactly who it was from. Hunter, who else could it be.

They opened the note attached to what he called "Flowers"

Dear (Y/N),

         I picked these flowers out just for you. You talked about them last night like they were the best thing in the world, so I snuck out of the Emperor's Castle to pick them out. I think they look amazing, is this what flowers look like in the human realm?  We'll talk another time but I have to warn you, Belos has big plans coming up and I want you safe. Do not interfere, I know you are not weak but Belos is too strong. I don't like Luz or Eda, but if they help keep you safe then please let them help you. 

                                                                                                                       Love, GG

"How sweet..."  They say to themself bitterly

The flowers don't look the same as the ones in the human realm but they'll suffice for now. It was very sweet of Hunter to do this, so they put the gifted flowers in a vase beside their bed

"Who was the letter from? Who's GG?" Someone says behind them

They turn around to see Eda behind them. "Eda!" they squeak, surprised.

"Who's GG?" She asks once more, 'Crap this isn't good, nope this is the opposite of good' 

"Uhm, you know it's just a friend..." 

Eda didn't look convinced in the slightest

You sigh, "Fine, it's the Golden Guard."

"Oh okay." she says

"Wait, you're okay with this?" (Y/N) says

"Oh yeah, Luz told me she worked with the Golden Guard one time. Are you two dating or something?" She teases

"Edaaaa" You drag out. "Oh Titans (Y/N), I could mistake you for an apple" she teases once more. Their face just heats up even more as they start for the kitchen.

"Ooh, we got lovebirds" She sings

"Nope, I'm ignoring this" They head down the stairs

"Oh hey (Y/N), what's up?" Luz asks them. "And why is your face so red?"

"(Y/N) over here has got themself a boyfriend!" Eda smirks "EDA!" They shout. Oh how they absolutely hated this kind of attention, it was terrible.

"Really (Y/N)?!?!" She asks, she looks so happy too. "Ugh, fine. Yes I do have a boyfriend.." they sigh accepting that they're never going to stop getting teased.

"Who is it?" she asks. "Oh ho ho, you're not going to like this Luz" They laugh nervously

"Who?" she keeps on insisting, "Fine, Fine it's Hunter" they say admittingly. "YOU MEAN THE GOLDEN GUARD?" She shouts, her eyes are as big as dinner plates and he jaw looks like it'll never close "WE CAN KNOW EVERYTHING ABOUT BELOS AND WHAT HE'S GOING TO DO" She continues to yell "Luz, Luz, LUZ CALM YOURSELF." 

She finally shuts her mouth

"Yes, he's going to help us don't worry" They smile sweetly

What none of them knew was that Belos knew everything, there was a vision orb implanted in one of (Y/N)'s flowers. He heard everything, and oh boy was Hunter about to get an earful.

Word Count: 1169 

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