Teen!Eda x Human!Reader: Human?

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Requested by: RaeTheSpiderDemon

3rd Person POV:

It was like any other day for (Y/N), they had been strolling around their neighborhood minding their own business. That was until they heard their stomach growl,

'Alright I get it, food is a necessary thing'  They sighed and rolled their eyes.

They set down their bag, sat on a bench and pulled out a granola bar. Just as they were about to take a bite, an owl took their bag right off the bench 'Now that's something you don't see everyday'  They thought. Once they finally processed what was happening, they chased the owl into an old abandoned house. "I'm getting cliche horror movie vibes..." They say aloud, yet still they ran after the owl right into a portal

As soon as they got through the portal, they tripped and fell face first into the ground.

"Woah, what are you?" A voice asked from above them, "Uhh, a human?" they said lifting themselves from off the ground 

"So that's where the portal leads to!" The mystery person says

"Portal?" (Y/N) questions "Wait where am I!?" They finally notice they aren't on the street near their house

"Oh yeah sorry about that, welcome to the Boiling Isle!" She speaks again "Anyways my names Eda, what's yours?" She give them a toothy grin and extends a hand

They wearly take it and she starts shaking it virgiously 

"Woah- Uh yeah, my names (Y/N)" They reply. "(Y/N) eh?" she questions. 

"Yeah that's me" They say unsure of how to respond

"I like that name! It suits you. Pretty name, pretty person!" She says cheerfully, (Y/N)'s cheeks are dusted with blush 

'Man I usually don't get complements. AGH what am I saying! Pull yourself together (Y/N) it was a simple compliment'  

"Hey you okay human?" Eda says, worried

"Oh, uh yeah I'm fine! What are you anyways since you're not human" They ask the ginger

"I'm a witch," she says nonchalantly

"Oh okay- WHAT?" They suddenly realise what she's said

Eda looks at them confused

"Oh sorry, I just didn't know witches were real."

"Eh you'll get used to it there's so many weird things here," She replies

"Uhm, can I go home please?" They ask. "Oh, yeah sure. I'll see you around sometime?" She sounded upset, "Yeah, of course I just don't want my parents worrying about me!" they say

Eda wanted to get to know the human but I guess the another task for a different day

"See you around." Eda says

"I'll be sure to visit soon!" They acknowledge her sadness, all Eda wanted was a new friend

They set up the portal and sure enough (Y/N) got home to her parents

Eda sighed and walked back home. She went up to her room and closed the door behind her where she saw Lilith

She just gave her a simple wave and sat down on her bed

"I already miss you, (Y/N)" She whispers to herself

"What was that Eda?" She heard Lilith say from across the room

"Mind you own business Lilly" She spits 

"Jeez, calm down"

Word Count: 523

(A/N: Sorry this is short I didn't really know what to do with this but I hope you all enjoyed! Have a good night/day and make sure to eat and drink plenty of water!)

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