Harpy!Eda x Reader: Sleepy

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(A/N: I'm not even doing these in order, I'm just doing them whenever I can think of a good plot. Also this chapter is short and most other ones will be.)

Requested by: GingerTakesTheCrown

3rd Person POV:

(Y/N) was in Luz's room trying to take care of her, she had caught a Mold and (Y/N) volunteered to stay with her for the day. She was sleeping in her sleeping bag when she suddenly woke up with a gasp. 

"Luz! Are you okay?" They asked, she pats her face "I feel great!" She exclaimed. (Y/N) looked at her head where she had mushrooms growing on her head. 

"Aesthetic" They snort, Luz groans and pats her head "I wonder if this is permanent." She picks one of them of "It's not, don't worry." They tell her, Luz gasps in panic and stands up abruptly, "I gotta find the others!" She tells them.

She runs out of the door and shakes her head getting rid of the pile of mushrooms, they quickly follow and call out to her "Luz, you know I'm slow wait up!"

She bumps into Willow and yelps, a bowl of soup flies out of her hands but Hooty catches it right before it hit the floor "Safe!" He exclaims, steam rises from the bowl. 

(Y/N) winces 'That's gotta hurt' They thought. "Have the others returned?" Luz asked Willow, as if on cue they hear Eda yelling from downstairs. They all rush downstairs to see Harpy Eda, Amity, and King stuck in the doorway. "Aw aw aw! Just get an elixir. Ugh I got into harpy mode and now I can't get out." She looks directly at (Y/N), smiles, then goes back to struggling. "She also ate like, 9 voles on the way home." King complains, but they could barely hear their conversation they were too focused on Eda.

'Damn she's hot in harpy mode, I mean I saw it a few days ago but AH!' They could feel their face heat up, their train of thought was interrupted by all of them falling on the floor. They all begin to dust themselves of then stand up "Ugh my head" Amity whines, when suddenly Luz hugs her and they almost fall over "Amity! I'm so glad my awesome girlfriend is okay!" She exclaims, Amity blushes then hugs her back.

"Me too!" She says, King speaks up "No King hug? WHAT IS THIS???" He points at Amity then continues "You are a swindler and a thief!"

Luz runs up to him and hugs him tightly "Come here buddy!" She spins him around. "I REGRET THIS!!!" He yells, (Y/N) and Willow laugh at his suffering. Eda walks up to Amity and they whisper to each other "You wanna break the news or should I?" She asks her "News?" Amity questions and raises a brow.

Eda looks at her with a deadpan face "The empty lake, the Golden Guard, losing the portal key, pfft, today was a disaster." She sighs sadly

"Actually... we might be okay." She holds up her glove stained with a blue substance

(Y/N)'s POV:

When everyone clears away from the doorway I run up to Eda.

"Eda!" I exclaim, I wrap my arms around her waist and bury my face into her stomach. She is shockingly tall in Harpy mode, she laughs and hugs me back.

"Hey (Y/N)." She sighs, "Man, was today a day I need to rest." She yawns, I loosen my arms and eventually bring the back to my sides. One of Eda's arms clap at her side and the other goes around my shoulder.

'Oh wow... affection' My face heats up, "Alright kids, (Y/N) and I are going upstairs try not to wreck the place" She tells them, they nod and go back to whatever they were talking about and Eda and I make our way to her room.

Once we get in she closes the door behind us. "Hot dog, today was stressful." She says, I sit on her bed and get into a cross-legged position. She sits down beside me and on of her wings around me in a protective sort of way.

"Eda that's really fruity." I say to her laughing, "Yeah well we're really fruity so hush" She replies, 'I mean she not wrong so...' I let my head fall on her shoulders and she puts her head on top of mine.

'Wow her hair is huge' I think to myself, eventually my thoughts slow down and my eyelids get heavy and I fall into a peaceful slumber with my favourite person who's really hot.

I love her.


(A/N: Harpy Eda is hot.)

Word Counter: 776

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